Calisthenics Insider Podcast

Calisthenics Insider Podcast


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00:00:00: Yo gorillas, welcome to the second episode of the Athlete Insider Podcast

00:00:04: by GORNATION. My name is Phil and today we have again a really really special

00:00:09: guest. One of my favorite athletes from a person and also

00:00:15: yeah like really really successful as an influencer, as a calisthenics

00:00:20: teacher, I would say, like mentor whatever you want to call it, you will say

00:00:26: what you do, how you call it, but Eric with over three hundred thousand

00:00:30: followers across social medias, extremely successful for me yeah really a role

00:00:36: model but not only for me but for a lot of people in the french-speaking

00:00:40: community. You're doing your videos mostly or only in French so yeah I'm

00:00:46: really really happy to have you here today and to be able to interview you.

00:00:51: Well thank you, thanks a lot Phil. Hi and thanks a lot for this kind introduction

00:00:58: I feel honored to be able to to speak with you which I always like since we've

00:01:04: been we've known each other for for a few years now so yeah very very pleased

00:01:08: to have this conversation with you today, thanks. Awesome, so you're on a birthday

00:01:14: party and somebody approaches you and you don't know this person and that

00:01:17: person doesn't know calisthenics how do you explain what you do and who you are?

00:01:22: What I do and who I am. Well generally I try not to say all of this to people I

00:01:29: don't know but if I had to I guess I'd say that I what I say generally is I'm

00:01:34: doing videos on YouTube because that's an easy way to understand it and then

00:01:40: they ask me well what about them and I say yeah it's you know bodyweight

00:01:45: training videos, how to use tutorials as well as videos on nutrition and personal

00:01:53: development in the global sense of it that's generally the three main topics

00:01:58: that I would think of when I have to describe my content, which is generally

00:02:05: on YouTube. I also have Instagram and all of this but that's what I am mostly

00:02:11: doing. A YouTuber, as someone would like to call it

00:02:17: and yeah that's that's about it: Bodyweight training, Calisthenics.

00:02:21: But Calisthenics is not really a word we use in French we say Street Workout.

00:02:26: That's the French way to say, so I generally say Street Workout and when

00:02:31: they start telling me about CrossFit I stop them, I stop them and I explain, you

00:02:37: know the differences and it's more about general bodyweight training, yeah. That's

00:02:43: like a weird thing because in most Spanish countries, it's called Calistenia.

00:02:47: Without H and with "a" written at the end. And most of the world I

00:02:54: would say like it's Calisthenics and French speaking countries it's mostly

00:02:58: Street Workout, yeah. It's a too bad because I like

00:03:03: Calisthenics better to describe what I like to do. Because for me Calisthenics

00:03:07: is more about everything you can do with your body moving it into space, whereas

00:03:13: Street Workout is more like a sport with regulations, Federation's with rules when

00:03:20: you want to compete in Street Workout. For me there are Street Workout competitions

00:03:25: and the World Champions but there are no Calisthenics competitions

00:03:30: per se well that's how I see it though but it's difficult I'd rather use this

00:03:37: word in French but it's not understood very well generally. Okay, you're quite

00:03:45: inspiring person not only like for me like I said but for a lot of people and

00:03:51: you're living the dream of a lot of adolescents, a lot of young

00:03:56: people being a YouTuber, making a living from it and being able to make your

00:04:03: passion to your job like, how do you see this? How do you, what is your

00:04:08: life like right now? What is my life like right now? I'm not sure, it's very

00:04:14: it's - well - good sides and worst sides, I guess, my life is

00:04:22: pretty boring actually, it's very boring, you know.

00:04:26: Depends how you see it, I can do what I want whenever I want, I guess because I

00:04:31: don't have a boss, I'm working from home which is pretty, you know, doesn't change

00:04:35: too much for me regarding the current situation, I'm always working at home

00:04:40: anyways and I spend most of my time between working, my private life with my

00:04:49: girlfriend and working out and basically that's everything I do besides eating

00:04:54: and sleeping. So it's a lot of work, it's a lot of time spent in front

00:05:03: of a computer. That's basically my day, so it's pretty similar to some other

00:05:07: jobs where you spend most of your time sitting in front of a computer. I'm not

00:05:12: spending all my days filming videos and talking to people, it's mostly

00:05:18: you know, administrative stuff from what I see. I spend maybe, I don't know,

00:05:24: five percent of my job filming things so YouTuber is not exactly, from my

00:05:33: point of view at least, the dream job but it can look like. But it's very nice and

00:05:39: I'm doing it because I like it obviously but it's a lot of work

00:05:44: and work includes a lot of things you don't really like or you don't really

00:05:48: want to do but that you still have to have done even by yourself which is

00:05:53: always yourself doing them at the beginning maybe then you can have someone

00:05:58: else helps you with that but yeah that's what I do, yes.

00:06:03: Okay but let's pretend there's somebody a young person coming towards you

00:06:09: on an event during training or something and asking you Eric how can I become

00:06:16: also like an influencer or how can I go this journey that you went and yeah.

00:06:22: mm-hmm Well if you want to be an influencer I

00:06:26: guess I hope well being an influencer for the sake of it is not something I

00:06:34: know because I kind of started with sharing things I liked with my friends

00:06:40: and then it grew to something like - alright I like sharing things to my

00:06:45: friends but I saw I actually like sharing things to people, so that's how

00:06:49: it kind of blew. I didn't start from the idea of becoming an influencer

00:06:55: or becoming a celebrity or being famous or something like that. The better way I

00:07:01: think if you want to be an influencer still, I think the better way is to

00:07:05: actually create around and share things around what you as a person really like.

00:07:13: Not things that you think people will like or that you think would be, you know,

00:07:19: funny or will get views, you know, to say as it is, if you really like something and

00:07:26: especially if you really like something that you believe nobody else really likes,

00:07:31: so nobody else is interested in - that's actually the best place to start because

00:07:36: if you start videos about, you know, humor or comedy, everybody likes comedy

00:07:44: comedy, everybody does comedy, so it's very very hard to find someone which is

00:07:50: gonna like what you do, but if you start with something that you really like it's

00:07:56: gonna show in what you do and then it's gonna be contagious and people who think

00:08:01: and believe the way you do or are interested in the same things as you are

00:08:06: then they will connect with you in a better way and you yes you will start

00:08:13: slow and small and you will not have - well you should not, you should not be an

00:08:19: overnight success. I think it's probably unhealthy when it really happens and

00:08:24: it very rarely do happen. I mean it's like winning the lottery. Nobody really,

00:08:29: somebody wins but nobody ever wins, you know, so yeah that's how I see it. You

00:08:36: really start very, start very slow, focus on what you like, just do what you

00:08:42: like and try to connect with people who like the same things and eventually they

00:08:48: will tell a friend and then you will influence all of them in the end I guess.

00:08:54: Okay that's like an a really interesting point because when somebody asks

00:09:00: me "Who is Eric Flag?" I often respond with "He is like - of

00:09:04: course a really good-looking guy, like a really strong athlete, it's everything

00:09:08: that you would wish for but like something that's really really special

00:09:13: about you in my opinion is that you have a really

00:09:15: deep relation to your followers and they are not followers but you really mastered

00:09:20: the principle of making them to fans or as you said like they feel

00:09:25: they feel like friends of you I guess because that's how you started it and

00:09:29: that's something that you feel, I think. Now that's actually a good point, I

00:09:33: didn't think of it this way it's actually telling you that I

00:09:37: I actually really started sharing content only with my close friends. I was

00:09:41: doing it on snapchat and I remember that was the first thing because it's very easy.

00:09:45: You put out your phone, you take 12 seconds videos and you share them and

00:09:49: you can make them better. I was trying to make my stories entertaining and I was a

00:09:54: you know, I liked when friends told me oh yeah I liked the story, it was nice things

00:10:01: like that but yeah I guess people see me more as a friend than

00:10:12: yeah well I don't know, I don't know what to say yes, it's very

00:10:18: important for me, my relationship with people I like to consider it and to

00:10:23: maintain it as horizontal as I believe it was always, I mean you're not

00:10:33: superior to anyone just because you're doing videos or anything anything like

00:10:37: that and people know that and you should definitely treat everyone just like

00:10:42: everyone is which is just someone like you who likes watching videos and and

00:10:47: and then you know that's that's how I see it I guess. Okay and you justify it.

00:10:56: I'll just, I'll just bounce on something you said because you said it twice so

00:11:01: now I have to, you know, I have to say it

00:11:04: you said twice that I am an athlete and it's funny because I definitely do

00:11:09: not consider myself as an athlete because for me an athlete is more

00:11:15: like someone who competes. So you never competed? Actually not really, I'm not

00:11:23: There are YouTube videos I guess. What? There are YouTube videos of you

00:11:28: competing though. Well yeah yeah friendly matches let's call them, I don't know yeah

00:11:37: I'd like to think of myself more as somebody who likes sports than an

00:11:43: athlete who is really all more about performance because for me creating

00:11:48: content is well above getting better in my sports that's why I believe I'm not

00:11:54: really an athlete which for me an athlete is maybe, sounds a little bit too

00:12:00: professional to me but I guess it all depends how you see it but I

00:12:05: like sports and I like sharing content about it and I guess saying this is

00:12:11: also a way for me to protect myself against people who are way better than me

00:12:17: at all of this and who would like to point this out like oh this guy is

00:12:24: successful but I'm way better than him at the sports he does, so why is he more

00:12:30: successful than me and it's this away because I am not competing against those

00:12:35: people. I am creating content, I am NOT trying to be world champion or something

00:12:41: like that so for me that's a an important distinction in my mind

00:12:46: at least. Okay but I still like, I still have some questions how you achieved the one arm

00:12:52: handstand, the planche, the hefesto. That's stuff that yeah that seems for me that you're

00:12:59: an athlete but yeah we will come towards this topic afterwards. Yeah I still

00:13:06: love training and I love, I respect all of those people who do

00:13:12: all those moves which I'm trying to get better at as well because it's

00:13:17: I like really like Street Workout, so yeah. Okay, so your love to

00:13:24: content producing and to street workout - I think you had some decisions to

00:13:29: make in your life to get where you are today and something that I had

00:13:36: present in my mind was the decision after your studies, the decision even

00:13:41: if you go the corporate way or the self-employed way. Do you want to

00:13:47: tell something about it? Um yeah I completed my studies in finance, it was

00:13:55: maybe three and a half years ago now, yes something like that and right after that

00:14:03: I decided to try my luck on YouTube when I was supposed to go apply in banks and

00:14:11: big companies or things like that I guess I was lucky to get into all of

00:14:17: this content creation things at the end of my studies because if I got into

00:14:22: it at the middle or something I might have stopped or you know I might have

00:14:27: not gotten my diplomas which are pretty nice as a parachute, which were at

00:14:34: least in case it didn't work, you know, YouTube and all of this and also helps

00:14:39: me convince my parents to help me by you know giving me food and the bed to do

00:14:47: my things while trying to make it work and if it didn't work I

00:14:54: actually had a back-up plan which was getting a normal job which I didn't

00:15:00: have to do because well because it eventually worked and I did it

00:15:06: because it sounded to me like but that was what I wanted to do and that was the

00:15:11: right time to try in between things you know in between studying and getting a

00:15:17: career having a two-year job I was like alright everything that I'm risking is

00:15:24: mostly time since the situation and financial situation with my parents was

00:15:30: alright I guess I'm just gonna give it a year see how it

00:15:34: goes and well here is how it went. That was, that was two and a half years

00:15:40: ago now but I'm doing this but I started doing it as my full-time job from the

00:15:48: first day. For me it was really a job from the beginning which I had to, which

00:15:53: I had to treat as job, I had to treat myself as my own employee which had to

00:15:59: go to work every day and all of this because if I would have considered it as

00:16:05: a hobby just in between partying or stuff like that, that would have never

00:16:10: worked and regarding my parents I felt a lot of pressure to actually, you know,

00:16:16: deliver on what I told them to convince them to support me so yeah

00:16:22: well that's uh that's about it. And what since then was the most satisfying

00:16:29: moment? Maybe, do you have like a key scene where you thought yeah that's

00:16:35: that's yeah why I did it. Oh why I did it. Or just what did you

00:16:42: want to say? Well what I wanted to say: One key moment from those past

00:16:47: two-and-a-half years was the time where I could move into my own place and

00:16:52: support myself completely financially and regarding every aspect of

00:17:00: it took me a while, it took me about one and a half to two years in between

00:17:08: at the beginning and after one and a half years I was able to support myself

00:17:12: financially, then I started to look for a place and eventually six months ago now

00:17:18: I moved into my own apartment which for me was a symbol of - All right, now I am

00:17:25: legitimate saying that I am a YouTuber because I always, I never wanted to say

00:17:32: it because I never wanted to be the guy who says yes I'm a YouTuber but I still

00:17:37: live in my parents place, you know, so you're not credible well I didn't feel

00:17:42: credible when I was saying it so it kind of stuck afterwards but now I feel like

00:17:46: right now I yes I am creating guns and then people like: What? Are you

00:17:52: living off of it? and I say yes I am now and I'm pretty proud to

00:17:58: to back it up with you know living in my own place and paying my own bills and

00:18:02: all of this so yeah that was a key moment for me. Awesome yeah I can totally

00:18:10: relate to this and yeah what was like the small Eric?

00:18:18: I don't know, 10 year old, maybe 8 year old Eric. What did you want to

00:18:23: become as a child? Oh it's a fun question I haven't answered that any

00:18:32: time. What did I want to do, I don't really remember, I think I wanted

00:18:39: to be a teacher at some point. A French teacher but then my mom had

00:18:45: this theory that it was just because I was in love with my French teacher at

00:18:49: the time, you know, I'II actually don't really know, I never really wanted

00:18:56: I never really wanted to be a content creator, I guess

00:19:01: because it was not really a thing back at the time. Social media was

00:19:06: not existing. I didn't know. I kind of followed this regular path. My older

00:19:12: brother actually had the same path, he did the same studies and everything, my

00:19:16: parents also went to university. For me was just like alright I have this stuff,

00:19:21: I'm kind of supposed to follow it. I'm gonna follow it because it's the best

00:19:25: option. It's also the best option by default because I was not especially

00:19:30: passionate by finance or business so something like that. I remember very very

00:19:37: young, I'm not sure if it's really known about myself, but I did my first videos

00:19:44: maybe 12 years ago or something because there was this thing on dailymotion

00:19:49: at the time, YouTuber were a little bit. Big very big YouTubers

00:19:55: in French now, Norman, Cipriani some very big YouTubers with over ten

00:20:01: millions followers now they were just starting their videos back at the time

00:20:04: and I was watching them and they had this very small success you know

00:20:09: but still something to be noticed and I was like wow I want to do some

00:20:13: funny videos as well and it sounds fun and we actually did two with my best

00:20:18: friend and then we gave up but they are still I think on dailymotion, very very old. I was a teenager and

00:20:27: that's how it started. Then I kind of through it

00:20:32: at the back of my head, waited for maybe ten years before daring to try again and

00:20:39: then , that was it but yeah, it's funny because I uh I had

00:20:48: this idea a very long time ago but then it was very easy to make

00:20:53: myself believe in and it's still hard today to make myself believe

00:20:58: that I am that I can do this that I am, you know, this imposed syndrome or

00:21:05: I don't know how to say in English though this feeling that you

00:21:10: feel like: Who are you to talk about this? Who are you to do this? Why you? Why

00:21:15: he? Why people should believe you? That's what I was always thinking and I

00:21:20: was like, well I'm not funny, I'm not muscular, why should I even start

00:21:25: thinking about telling people how to do it? Thinking that people will care or

00:21:32: something that was hard to fight against that but uh I guess it's the

00:21:39: same feeling for everyone. And do you still have it today sometimes?

00:21:45: Yeah of course, yeah it's always, I guess with the years and with the

00:21:50: experience you grow into self-confidence about what you do.

00:21:55: Of course you get more external validation as well if that

00:22:01: helps but uh but yeah it's still it's still harder for me sometimes when I

00:22:06: think about it, to feel like yeah alright why

00:22:09: why me? why?, well you know but that's also why it's easier to

00:22:17: to stick with what you know and what you do and what you know about

00:22:21: and it's harder sometimes to expand to maybe different content things that

00:22:28: people are not used to see you do and that's why sometimes YouTuber kind of

00:22:33: burnout or kind of don't like what they do anymore because they fail yeah they

00:22:39: would like to try something but they don't feel like it's gonna be successful or people

00:22:44: are gonna like or people are gonna care or yeah, I think it grows, you know

00:22:50: it shrinks all the time but it's always there. Okay yeah but that's great to hear

00:22:56: because it's another example you don't yeah like you don't need to be

00:23:00: perfect to start because like even big names like yours they still have

00:23:07: these doubts but they still execute and in my time and in

00:23:13: business now I just saw that everybody like everybody has some doubts everybody

00:23:17: has some problems etc but these who execute nevertheless and who don't like

00:23:22: you just overcome that fear or that problem these unnecessary thoughts, these

00:23:27: are the ones who really reap the rewards and get the attention. And

00:23:33: especially regarding content creation and things like that

00:23:38: because I get asked questions sometimes about - oh that's a DM on Instagram I get

00:23:44: a lot from generally younger people who are training and interested

00:23:50: in Calisthenics and all of this and they tell me things like: Eric you

00:23:55: know what, I want to start my Instagram account and become an influencer but I'm

00:24:01: gonna wait to have the planche or the frontlever or something impressive

00:24:07: before I start and then when I see that I answer them and I answer start right

00:24:15: now because what people want to see is how you actually got to the things

00:24:21: you believe you need before starting I much would much rather see someone start

00:24:27: very slow and you know get stuck on the tucked planche like we all have been

00:24:34: get stuck for a long time and then see how we actually manage to progress from this

00:24:40: and to see the before and after you know people love transformations but that's

00:24:44: why it's it's very popular kind of videos on YouTube for example but you

00:24:50: know about performances all about statics or things like that

00:24:54: people love to see the journey. The destination is actually what people

00:25:00: think is the more interesting to see but no we like to see

00:25:08: how it's been done so that's why I say to those people just start

00:25:12: just do it, don't overthink. Should you do eight or nine push-ups every day? Just do

00:25:18: your push-ups. Don't even count them at the

00:25:21: beginning if you don't want to it's not important enough to keep you from

00:25:25: starting right now and that's a very important thing to try to

00:25:31: understand at the beginning but it's very difficult at the beginning. Because

00:25:35: we feel like we should be better to talk about it. Like something, videos that a

00:25:44: lot of people like on your YouTube channel are about experiments like

00:25:48: about habits, life changes, like the minimalism video or the Wim Hof method etc

00:25:56: and that's also combining with your with your input to personal development, not

00:26:03: only Calisthenics, so Street Workout but also like personal development. What were

00:26:07: the habits or what are the habits that you do still and that you stick to and

00:26:13: that you still like? Mmm regarding a content creation point of view in all my

00:26:22: experiments well every experiment I did on YouTube I never consider those

00:26:27: experiments as entertainment videos because I was not doing them for them

00:26:34: to be success. I was first doing them because I was

00:26:37: interested in actually doing the experiment for myself and then the

00:26:41: content creation around it made it even more motivating for me and nice but I

00:26:47: kept something from every experiment I did. I actually did one

00:26:53: month vegan that was the first experiment I did and I went out of it

00:26:59: staying vegetarian because I felt like that was better for me and I am still

00:27:04: I'm still not eating meat today and I'm never really talking about it because I

00:27:09: feel like it's a very personal opinion, I don't feel like I have to talk about it.

00:27:15: It's funny but I even have to say that but yeah. The Wim Hof method I'm

00:27:21: still taking cold showers every day because I really do believe it's

00:27:26: it's nice to me, it's nice in my head, it keeps me, it trains my discomfort

00:27:33: muscle, it trains the habit to actually enjoy things that are uncomfortable but

00:27:42: there's a lot of uncomfortable things we need to do in life and if we train

00:27:48: ourselves to disconnect emotionally from it like actually pouring freezing water

00:27:57: on yourself. You are doing it, you are actually, you know, nothing and you don't

00:28:02: have to do it, nobody will know if you're taking hot showers, nobody forces you

00:28:06: to invest, you know, there are probably some health benefits but for me it's just bonus.

00:28:12: The psychological aspect of it is much stronger which you actually decide that

00:28:17: you are doing this to yourself just because you gonna go out of it

00:28:22: better and well also it helps starting the day, feeling all warm afterwards and

00:28:29: all of this and this I'm still doing. The Minimalism thing I still try to

00:28:35: apply to what I do because that's the way I think about things. I don't think

00:28:42: more is always better definitely not and that's just things I yeah I'm mostly

00:28:51: doing this experiments, I should, you know, selfishly just for myself and I was

00:28:56: doing it then for myself. That's why I'm not jumping on every experiment that

00:29:02: would be very popular on YouTube but I believe sometimes are kind of silly

00:29:08: but yeah I'm just documenting those things and not trying to say that this

00:29:16: way of living is better than any other way. I'm just sharing what I'm

00:29:23: trying to experiment for myself and what I keep and what I do not enter, yeah.

00:29:27: Yeah they're very very nice experiments I think for me. Nice I can just recommend

00:29:35: them. Do you have English subtitles or on some

00:29:40: of those videos? Some of my videos I have English sometimes maybe even German but

00:29:45: I would need to find someone to help me with those titles

00:29:51: because English is very requested and it helps for the discoverability of videos

00:30:00: as well so sometimes. Maybe like some of your French fans are listening to this

00:30:07: and somebody's like really yeah really interested in English and really

00:30:12: well in it and will contact you for the subtitles. Now that would be nice, I would

00:30:19: pay you know, just that you know. Perfect, let's come to your calisthenics

00:30:27: moves - yeah how did you become such a great athlete? No I'm just joking, I'm

00:30:33: saying this to provoke you but like still I'm thinking I'm always impressed how

00:30:44: somebody with your height with your weight does a hefesto, that's

00:30:51: something that I admire and also like your hand balancing skills, your

00:30:55: straddle planche stuff like that, I really think that it's great and

00:31:00: also like The question that I have: What do

00:31:04: you see as your signature moves? What's your favorite calisthenics move? Well

00:31:09: it's a pretty obvious one I guess. My name is Eric Flag, well the name I chose

00:31:15: from myself publicly. Eric Flag, the flag, the human flag is the first actual

00:31:21: calisthenics move that I taught myself because before that

00:31:28: I was weightlifting in the gym for a few years and in between my transition

00:31:34: between weightlifting and calisthenics, that's the flag, that kind of drew me

00:31:41: from one side to the other one - to the dark side of the bodyweight force, you know, yeah, that was

00:31:50: the first one. I got it six or seven months, I remember and then and I got very

00:32:00: into the handstands, I love handstands a lot. Those are my probably my, I guess

00:32:06: handstand is my favorite move because it because it's nice it's not

00:32:11: that tiring once you get to know it a lot, so you can do it a

00:32:19: lot, all the time, every time and you're never done with it, you know, unless

00:32:23: you're some Cirque du Soleil Acrobat which can do stuff on one hand for

00:32:28: half an hour, but then you have a long a long long long time ahead of you to to train

00:32:33: this, so I think hand standing is what I prefer but you know Eric Flag and all

00:32:39: of this so, yeah. I like the human flag as well. And how did you learn the human

00:32:44: flag? You did Fitness before? Yes I did some, I did fitness but you know

00:32:50: fitness doesn't really, general weightlifting doesn't really

00:32:54: prepare you for all of those straight arm bodyweight exercises so that was

00:33:00: something very hard for me because you know most people that are very strong

00:33:04: most weightlifting guys that are very strong they can generally do pretty

00:33:10: well at the human flag because it's if you're very strong you can do

00:33:14: well at that but it's difficult to do well and keep

00:33:17: your arms straight because you really want to bend them because it's easier.

00:33:20: So I struggled a little bit with that and yeah I was very,

00:33:26: I'm a very progression type of guy, you know, I like having my 10 progressions to

00:33:33: get to the human flag, so I really you know decomposed the thing, doing tuckeds

00:33:37: doing jumps to negatives, a lot of negatives, that's how I got my human

00:33:43: flag. Straddled you know one leg, all of this, that I saw on YouTube videos I guess

00:33:49: and that's very effective and I also, since I was lifting weights for six

00:33:56: years I had some strength because at the end I was really into, even as I

00:34:02: was weightlifting I really loved those moves so this really helped you with

00:34:06: calisthenics and strength moves because it's just, brute strength in a

00:34:12: chin-ups and dips really helps everywhere, so I also almost had the

00:34:18: backlever the first time I tried and that was, I had a straddle, you know

00:34:24: banana straddled backlever, this is really horrible to look at but

00:34:29: it's somewhere to start and then I was pretty proud and it keeps

00:34:33: you motivated to have some moves you can show your friends at the

00:34:39: beginning it's pretty nice and the frontlever was a horrible journey for me

00:34:44: as well as the straddle planche which was very hard. I'm really not the frontlever

00:34:51: type of guy. I do have, I actually have my best frontlever today because I

00:34:56: really restarted to train it lately but it's always been so hard for me if I

00:35:03: stop doing it for two and a half weeks I lose everything and this is

00:35:07: pretty frustrating so well yeah and the planche took me one and a half

00:35:15: years or something like that to have the straddle planche and I am right now

00:35:19: working on my full planche as well yeah because yeah because I'd like to

00:35:26: have a full planche before I die. I will always

00:35:29: said that, firstly I said that to myself then I said it in a couple of

00:35:33: videos so I feel like I have to get it as well you know and I like the

00:35:38: fact that you know to go back to what I said earlier about being an athlete and

00:35:44: all that uh yeah I want to have the full planche firstly because I will be able

00:35:49: to do a video about it and show my progression and the road to full planche

00:35:54: kind of thing and secondly as an athlete to be able to call myself an

00:36:00: athlete who can do a full planche and all of those. Because it's very

00:36:05: impressive I mean I'm living on Instagram where everybody I follow can

00:36:11: do full planche and things so I kind of I kind of forget sometimes how difficult

00:36:17: it actually is to hold those things because everything I consume

00:36:22: most of what I'm consume, motivating content, is about people doing those

00:36:26: incredible things, doing all of those planche push-ups in a row, doing

00:36:30: incredible freestyle things which I definitely suck at because I never did

00:36:35: freestyle and yeah don't forget that even if you can, you know

00:36:41: doing the muscle up will impress almost the entire planet. So sometimes we

00:36:50: actually forget about this and we feel like yeah it's too bad, I can only do

00:36:55: the human flag, is very bad, I am not an athlete, I'm, I just suck just yeah.

00:37:01: These are the two sides of the coin I guess of social media and

00:37:06: what we do with calisthenics because on the one hand I see that people have

00:37:10: really really high standards. For them it doesn't seem impossible to do the

00:37:14: planche like it does for a lot of normal people who never saw like somebody

00:37:19: doing it but or just gymnasts or something but on the other hand it gets

00:37:25: normal, it gets like the appreciation is not there anymore even though it's a

00:37:31: move that only a few percentage like a few percentage of 1% is like a really

00:37:38: really minimum part of the population would will ever be able to do

00:37:43: that's the danger and that yeah also the reason why yeah people advanced. At the

00:37:50: same time, it's exactly why so many people can do things like that is

00:37:56: because they saw it on Instagram so they know it's possible so somebody is able

00:38:00: to actually kind of teach them how to do it. So that's the beauty of it without

00:38:04: Instagram I think I feel like without social media

00:38:08: I feel like calisthenics and Street workout would be so unknown. Really

00:38:14: unknown as a sport and I think we have much more to thank social media than we

00:38:22: have to despise it regarding this sport at least. That's true, like something

00:38:29: that I see a lot, a lot of people are just working out at home and not calling

00:38:33: it Calisthenics or Street workout but just doing bodyweight training in front

00:38:37: of the TV, PC, whatever, just in their living room and these are a lot of

00:38:44: people who are not touched by social media or not inspired by social media

00:38:47: for these and they just work out for themselves they have like low standards

00:38:52: if you can do like 20, 30 push-ups that's already good yeah of course it is like

00:38:59: it's not bad but it's a totally different standard then we have. Yeah it's

00:39:06: definitely all about the reference points and benchmarks that we put for

00:39:11: ourselves and it's good to have higher standards I guess, it pushes you

00:39:18: to the top but at the same time don't beat yourself up

00:39:23: too quickly either. Yeah that's like for me I always name it for myself: Always

00:39:32: be happy with what I have but never be satisfied, so I always

00:39:38: want to be happy that I can do I don't know a handstand push-up or like a

00:39:42: handstand hold, let's say that, I want to be happy with it even though there are

00:39:46: people doing it on one hand and doing push-ups at the same time and reading a

00:39:50: book on the other hand that's what you see on social media

00:39:56: but I still want to never stop developing and I never want to stop

00:40:03: growing and going after these high standards so that's what's

00:40:07: what's really important Mm-hmm yeah I agree with you, it's something we

00:40:12: need to - yeah address it within yourself just what well yeah just

00:40:22: try to keep a balance in between what you really like and joy want to do

00:40:27: and what you feel like you should be able or what other people are actually able

00:40:32: to do. Okay well if somebody approaches you and tells you: Yeah I want

00:40:40: to make progress in calisthenics and you just have like I don't know five

00:40:44: sentences, two or three minutes to explain him, what do you say? They want to

00:40:51: progress in calisthenics. For a beginner I think I would tell them to

00:40:57: get a program - anywhere - some kind of program from a source that

00:41:03: you feel like is reputable, credible, anything. Could be your friend, could be

00:41:08: on the internet, on some dark forum, could be something you buy, it could be a book,

00:41:14: could be anything but find a program and don't jump all the time from one program

00:41:19: to the other one and do the actual program. Yeah you need to find it, to

00:41:23: buy it, to anything but you need to do it as well eventually. And when you start

00:41:28: doing it keep track of what you're doing you know because if you want to progress

00:41:32: you need to actually progress and if you want to know if you progress you need to

00:41:37: measure just enough so that you know if you actually moving into the right

00:41:42: direction. So if a program says yeah today you're going to do three sets of

00:41:47: your maximum of push-ups and you do it and all the time you actually

00:41:53: you actually do it well it's actually a bad example because if you

00:41:57: have something that pushes you all the time to do your max you're probably

00:42:01: gonna progress even if you don't really know what you're Max's but

00:42:05: sometimes you most of the times you find programs where

00:42:08: it says do three sets of ten push-ups so you do your three sets of ten push-ups

00:42:12: but maybe you can actually do 15 push-ups so you're not actually pushing

00:42:18: yourself beyond what you capable so your body's not gonna adapt

00:42:23: you're not gonna gain much strength, much muscle but if you progress and if you

00:42:28: actually write down what you're doing and you see if every time you write

00:42:32: something it's the same than the time before but you're not gonna get better

00:42:37: you're just gonna stay exactly the same you're gonna be the best at the

00:42:41: program you're doing, your body is gonna be very efficient doing this

00:42:46: program but it is never going to be able to do more than that so: find a

00:42:51: program, do it, track it and be sure

00:43:00: that your numbers are going up or the exercises are getting harder or the

00:43:05: weight you put on the bar if you doing a weightlifting program is going up as

00:43:10: well, sets, reps all of this. Some things should go up and that's when you know you're

00:43:14: gonna progress and that's what I would tell him but first I would say

00:43:20: him you know it's gonna take five minutes, not 5 sentences, so stay with me. I'll

00:43:25: explain it to you and here we go. Yeah I think it's too late I think he already

00:43:32: walked so. What is the hardest move you've learned so far?

00:43:38: Hardest move. I think it's the hefesto definitely. I'm not sure how to rank

00:43:45: the hefesto against the one-arm handstand but I believe I'm better at hefesto than

00:43:50: I am on the one-arm Handstand which I can sometimes hold for three, four

00:43:55: seconds but it's not like I control it very much all the time.

00:43:59: Hefesto I can actually do it every time - well since I've done it pretty much

00:44:05: every time I tried it again I could do it and last time was a week ago

00:44:09: something but I don't do that very often because it's horrible on the wrists

00:44:15: really horrible, it's really not good for the body - not good for my body at least

00:44:20: you know my body doesn't really like it when I do it but uh that's probably why

00:44:24: I'm proud because it's pretty hard, it was very painful to learn and I had to

00:44:31: do a lot of negatives, I did a lot of assisted work with elastic bands as well

00:44:37: and yeah I guess that's the hardest one I can do and I'm working on the full

00:44:43: planche which in my mind at least is harder but well still a long

00:44:49: time to go. How heavy and tall are you? I'm 184 centimeters

00:44:58: and generally I'm around 84, 85 kilograms sometimes a little bit lighter

00:45:06: when I try to get a little bit lighter which always helps yeah obviously but

00:45:11: yeah that's it. I was like a few seconds I was really shocked because you

00:45:17: started with I'm like 1, 1 and then I thought like what the f* maybe he

00:45:23: gained so much weight now - 100 - over 100 No but like for your height and

00:45:30: weight like the Hefesto I guess it's a different thing than for somebody else.

00:45:35: It's not an excuse because you showed that it's possible but still the

00:45:40: pressure on your wrists and also on your biceps et cetera is like a different thing.

00:45:45: Yeah, it's horrible for the biceps as well yeah It's very painful, it's painful

00:45:50: but yeah it's not an excuse you can find on Instagram you can find a

00:45:55: lot of very tall and heavy dudes doing even full planches and Maltese I guess

00:46:01: we need to know that if you're looking at gymnasts

00:46:03: well no gymnast always pretty pretty pretty pretty short actually it's kind

00:46:08: of a requirement to be at an elite elite level I guess but everybody can

00:46:14: learn all those cool moves they want to do, people want to do the human flag,

00:46:18: want to do the muscle up, want to maybe the frontlever, of those I think

00:46:22: are pretty accessible to pretty much anyone which is not too overweight of

00:46:26: course yeah. What is your nutrition like? That's something I'm interested in

00:46:33: because you also give some input for nutrition, you also have your own plan I

00:46:38: guess and yeah I just I'm interested in how do you

00:46:44: eat? Well this goes back a long time ago when I was interested in

00:46:51: weightlifting and it's pretty you know the stereotype of bodybuilders with

00:46:56: couple wears and very you know careful about the nutrition this is what I was

00:47:01: when I was younger when it was the most unnecessary I guess that's

00:47:08: when I was the most you know mad about all of this because I was doing all this

00:47:14: things at the beginning so along the way because when I was younger

00:47:21: I was only interested in you know aesthetics and women and girls I guess

00:47:27: that's probably why you do it and the look of yourself in the mirror of course

00:47:31: you know because everybody likes to look at themselves in the mirror

00:47:35: I know I do so that's what I was doing and you know everybody tells you nutrition

00:47:40: is very important and it is, so I read a lot of books, I tried a lot of things, I

00:47:46: counted my calories for a long time maybe two years or something total with

00:47:52: my macronutrients and all of this and I think it's a very efficient way to do it

00:47:59: but it's also risky because you maybe, then you can get obsessed and have a

00:48:04: very weird relation with food and it's difficult but it's good to know the

00:48:09: basics of energy balanced you know eating more calories than you actually

00:48:16: burn will make you gain weight, it can be muscle, it can be fa,t it all depends what

00:48:22: you eat and what you do besides eating in your life but that's important to

00:48:27: know and nowadays I don't really care I don't care about how I look other

00:48:36: than the fact that I'm attached to my image of my body which is not you

00:48:42: know I still have a little bit of muscle I'm not too fat you know and I also need

00:48:47: on my, you know, for my content, I cannot be the guy who teaches people to do

00:48:52: stuff if I look like shit, so you need a good look, good pump and a

00:49:01: little bit of muscle yeah to have good thumbnails and thumbnails are very

00:49:05: important as well as it's in Instagram of course but other than that I don't

00:49:10: really care, I like my body, my girlfriend likes my body I think and

00:49:16: that's all that matters. So I just eat whatever I like but I

00:49:19: have ingrained so many healthy habits over all of the time I

00:49:25: only eat you know non-processed things, I'm very careful about what I eat as

00:49:30: macronutrient profile, I eat protein rich things of course and with all

00:49:39: of this calorie counting when I see, when I see a plate when I cook something for

00:49:44: myself I can know what it costs that comes down to in numbers and I know my

00:49:50: body so I know what I need and all of this. It's a long way and

00:49:54: and it's very overwhelming at the beginning but it's definitely doable

00:50:00: it's very nice just reading the labels behind what you buy you would be very

00:50:06: surprised to see sometimes what's inside, what's not inside and you

00:50:14: don't need to study books for two years to actually do better choices which can

00:50:19: start right when you're doing your grocery shoppings and things like that

00:50:23: everybody knows what to do, eat more vegetables, eat less processed food ,we

00:50:29: don't want to do that because processed foods and all of this tastes so good and

00:50:33: you know that, we kind of all know what we should be doing but if you want to

00:50:37: get very precise and you have very precise goals then you should get more

00:50:42: knowledgeable about all of this I think. Ok nice that's interesting like

00:50:50: yeah it's such a small thing to do but it's, it will have a big effect

00:50:56: that's true. Like on the one hand knowing what these, all these yeah

00:51:02: like words mean, I don't know if you buy like sausage or something really

00:51:08: the processed stuff, what's in there to understand what these words

00:51:13: mean and then also looking at the nutrition, at the food and checking

00:51:20: what's in there, that's actual. It helps it's something what I like about

00:51:26: this and what I like about maybe optimizing your grocery shopping is,

00:51:33: that it's something you can do once and for all

00:51:35: because once you have good shopping and grocery shopping habits you're just

00:51:40: gonna keep them you're gonna go into automatic mode and you just need to

00:51:44: change this one time this thing that you're doing every week and then you can

00:51:49: get compounded interests on this for the rest of your life and it's probably the

00:51:55: same way to think about exercising regularly. Once you get the habit to do

00:52:01: it it's actually more painful to you not to exercise many days to actually

00:52:05: exercise so yeah it's all about habit building and all of this which

00:52:11: are very interesting topics and there are a lot of good books about it which

00:52:15: I'm sure people will be able to find because habits yeah foundation

00:52:23: of a lot of good and bad things so yeah that's true

00:52:27: Nice thanks for the inside there. I have some quick questions. We're coming to

00:52:34: an end of the interview and yeah you are allowed to respond

00:52:41: quickly. I have short questions: Pizza or Burger? Pizza. Dog or Cats? Like are you a

00:52:50: dog person or a cat person? Okay I guess I'm more of a cat person.

00:52:53: A cat person okay. Your favorite location for holidays? Favorite location for holiday.

00:53:00: I like the beach, no matter where it is. Okay. You also live at the beach or no

00:53:05: you lived at the beach, now. No, well we have some lakes here.

00:53:12: We have a lake close to here so. Yeah okay like a Lake also has a

00:53:19: beach were.. yeah okay um What would you work as if social media just

00:53:27: disappeared? Probably some marketing consultant I

00:53:33: guess something like that. I haven't really thought about that. For newspaper etc if social

00:53:41: media disappears what do you want you to consult as a marketing. Oh well if all of

00:53:48: marketing did well I don't know in some kind of cooperation I guess you know I

00:53:53: feel like I know how I understand how to sell things as well

00:53:58: you know human psychology so I guess I would dig into that and offer my

00:54:02: services. I don't really like to think that I would get employed but I'd like

00:54:07: to consult if that's even a thing I don't know. Is there a calisthenics athlete

00:54:15: because of whom you started? Because of whom I started. Maybe not a

00:54:23: special name but I remember watching Chris Herias' videos probably at the

00:54:30: beginning on his YouTube channel I really like what Daniels Laizans is

00:54:35: doing on the content creation side of things because he's a monster otherwise

00:54:40: he's a real athlete if you ask me so that's about it but I started before

00:54:48: knowing about Laizans but Chris Heria I think yeah. Okay and do

00:54:52: you have a favorite calisthenics athlete right now? Mmm it's a difficult

00:55:00: question. Well I liked Calisthenic Movement which you probably know because

00:55:04: they're German YouTubers. I like them because they are YouTubers you know because I

00:55:07: like their content which is very methodical and very thought out and

00:55:11: that's probably, those guys I like to talk to and I know Laizans as well

00:55:17: because he's creating content and I love his style of editing as well so, Okay,

00:55:21: Probably those. Okay, your favorite book? Favorite book. Be obsessed or be average

00:55:30: from Grant Cardone because now people are asking me very regularly what kind

00:55:37: of book you like and all this. I always tell this one because that's the one who

00:55:41: actually made me like TICK all right I can try to do this and this is

00:55:46: like creating content and all of this but the one I

00:55:50: I would like to recommend even though it's more like a business selling book

00:55:56: it's nice I liked it. Ok and dynamics or statics? Statics. Definitely for me. Even well

00:56:07: I'd like, I like to think I will go into dynamics some some time but uh statics

00:56:13: for now for sure. Ok perfect then we're coming to an end. I really

00:56:19: have to say thank you to you for the possibility, for sharing a lot of stuff

00:56:24: out of your life that yeah that's sometimes difficult to get I

00:56:28: mean you do YouTube but it's difficult to see, to get it in 2 to 15 seconds

00:56:34: videos on Instagram or yeah also on YouTube to talk about some stuff so I'm

00:56:39: really really happy that you did it and yeah just before I want to let you end

00:56:46: the episode I want to ask you as a listener to write in the comments how

00:56:52: you liked this episode, if you have something that you liked a lot, if

00:56:58: there is something that we can improve, it helps a lot and

00:57:01: also if you comment who you want to be interviewed next or if you have like

00:57:07: other questions for Eric maybe for a part 2, will see but yeah drop this in

00:57:14: the comments that helps a lot so yeah. Thanks everybody for listening, thanks

00:57:19: for growing calisthenics together and Eric you have the last words. Well thank

00:57:25: you very much for the opportunity you gave me to actually speak with you and it

00:57:29: was very nice. Thank you very much, it was a very very nice conversation and it's

00:57:34: good to have those kind of formats when we can talk more freely than just you

00:57:39: know creating content on Instagram which is not the same. I like this kind of

00:57:44: content more actually. I like speaking about interesting things

00:57:49: with interesting people such as you so yeah it's been nice thank you. Thank you

About this podcast

You want to become fit at home or on the road? You want to understand the mindset of a champion? You want to connect deeper with your favorite athletes?

This podcast is then for you! Listen to these interviews and they can bring you closer to your fitness goal. Phil from GORNATION is getting passionate athletes from all around the world in front of the microphone. You will learn to love and live the sport calisthenics and get to the next level!

Your Calisthenics and Street Workout Podcast provided by GORNATION.



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