Calisthenics Insider Podcast

Calisthenics Insider Podcast


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00:00:00: why did you leave thenx

00:00:04: yo gorillas welcome to the athlete insider podcast by gornation my name

00:00:07: is phil and today's guest is somebody from far

00:00:10: away somebody i'm really happy to talk to you and i'm

00:00:14: going to introduce you as a calisthenics and yoga

00:00:17: expert as a as a mobility and hand balancing beast

00:00:22: and the the founder of saturn movement i'm happy to have you here

00:00:26: that was artuno from the us welcome thank you so much for having me brother

00:00:31: it's truly an honor super pleasure awesome so yeah we finally met and we

00:00:37: finally got a get a meeting here and yeah to

00:00:40: kick off how do you present yourself how do you

00:00:43: present yourself to somebody who doesn't know you

00:00:47: first of all i i hate labels in a way like even though we need to use it in

00:00:53: terms to communicate and to get along with each

00:00:55: other like what do you do so i'm a calisthenics

00:00:58: coach i guess and i'm a yoga instructor as well um

00:01:02: but i like to present myself as just a human that

00:01:05: loves movements love anything related to psychology and to

00:01:10: just human optimization and that's it i'm the founder of saturn

00:01:15: movement if that helps which is a online fitness platform that teaches you

00:01:19: calisthenics and yoga i've been doing calisthenics and yoga

00:01:23: for six years now and i'm just another soul

00:01:28: another human trying to be the best that i can

00:01:31: nice sounds really good and yeah i already feel the mindset that you have

00:01:37: some hard facts like where are you born how old are you i am 28 years old

00:01:44: i was born in caracas venezuela i moved to miami after venezuela at 17 i

00:01:52: moved to canada for one year to study english

00:01:55: then after canada i was going to go back to venezuela and study

00:01:59: but leaving the country venezuela was in a very bad place

00:02:02: i don't know at the moment it's still worse right now

00:02:06: but when i went to canada i said no like there is so much opportunity out there

00:02:10: that even if i don't come to canada because

00:02:12: it's super super cold even though i love the call at that moment

00:02:16: i said i'm going somewhere else so i went back to venezuela for a couple

00:02:20: months when i was 18 years old and then i left to miami when i was 18

00:02:25: almost 19 years old and i've been here uh

00:02:30: almost 10 years i was gonna say seven years it's been almost 10 years

00:02:34: and i'm 28 years old that's it nice and how did you get in touch with

00:02:40: uh calisthenics what what sport did you do before

00:02:43: um or like i think i guess it was through yoga but uh yeah

00:02:47: actually i cannot remember if i saw yoga before calisthenics because i remember

00:02:53: being both of them exactly the same thing at

00:02:56: the same time i remember yoga was introduced by one of

00:03:00: my ex-ex-girlfriends who was in yoga

00:03:04: and i wanted to do yoga just because of the headstand i want to get a headstand

00:03:08: then after a couple weeks i realized how powerful it was and i was suffering from

00:03:12: very very severe chronic anxiety which we can talk later

00:03:16: so yoga was like okay this might help me which it clearly did and

00:03:23: calisthenics i saw a video from you know big brandon

00:03:26: carter yes yes yeah which is not in the calisthenics field at all but

00:03:32: in his intro his youtube intro and i was super into fitness like elliot holt and

00:03:37: kim was my biggest mentor at that moment so

00:03:40: he saw a video doing him lc2 handstand and i said i have to do

00:03:44: that so i was doing weight lifting i've been doing weight differences i was

00:03:48: 15 years old and at that moment i just wanted to

00:03:51: switch things up so i saw yoga from my ex girlfriend i saw

00:03:54: calisthenics and i said okay let's try both let's begin using my own

00:03:58: body weight and i began incorporating the three of them so

00:04:01: i keep kept doing weight lifting i began doing

00:04:04: yoga on my backyard and even doing

00:04:07: calisthenics in a park interesting it's the first time that i

00:04:12: ever hear somebody else saying that he knows big brandon carter

00:04:17: because i always thought i'm the only one who watched his videos

00:04:21: because i still remember like when he recommended a lot of his favorite books

00:04:26: and he talked a lot a lot also about books and i ordered all of them and read

00:04:30: all of them because he also was a big inspiration

00:04:32: for me that's that's nice to hear yeah it's funny like i didn't i didn't

00:04:36: come to calisthenics people like what was your biggest inspiration and it's

00:04:40: it's not a calisthenics athlete it's like it was somebody from the fitness

00:04:43: industry they might be going to know other people

00:04:46: and stuff okay crazy um so yeah like what was your

00:04:51: journey how did you begin uh how how long did it take to get the

00:04:55: headstand and from there where did it lead you so

00:05:01: at that moment i i asked myself okay so should i go to a yoga studio or should i

00:05:06: make it my personal practice or should i contact a calisthenics coach

00:05:11: or should i make in my personal practice and so i googled calisthenics coach in

00:05:16: miami uh chris area was the first one that

00:05:19: took out the only one there and and then yoga i said i'm gonna make

00:05:24: this my personal journey so i i was doing i did a

00:05:28: 30 day yoga challenge on youtube on my backyard

00:05:31: every single day that's how i got cooked into yoga

00:05:34: and actually two years ago i did a 10 days of a challenge on my channel

00:05:39: because i wanted to share how i actually got into yoga

00:05:43: so we're going to do yoga alone and i'm 80

00:05:46: self-taught i probably have attended to 20 or 30 year classes

00:05:50: in total in mental life and in calisthenics i contacted chris heria

00:05:55: and i went to his first gym on doral what's called

00:06:00: a calisthenics evolution with his business partner claudio jannotti

00:06:06: i did a couple personal sessions with him then they closed the gym

00:06:10: for reasons that i quite don't remember honestly and then he opened another gym

00:06:17: calisthenics academy and i was still with him and then i

00:06:21: began working with him for him at that

00:06:26: at that gym and i had no idea that i wanted to become a coach i just

00:06:31: loved the environment everything and at that moment i told him i cannot

00:06:36: keep affording the calisthenics classes but maybe i can stay here and

00:06:40: help you out so i began teaching classes on the gym

00:06:43: then he closed that gym he opened phoenix

00:06:47: and i kept working for him at 10x and that's it i kept my yoga

00:06:54: practice very separate very personal i attended to some studios some workshops

00:06:59: but i kept it very separately and i kept doing calisthenics

00:07:02: uh thenx until that doesn't happen anymore

00:07:09: yeah and like when you um nice glass when you started

00:07:16: uh calisthenics you said uh that you had uh some

00:07:19: some uh physical issues uh what was this about

00:07:24: uh physical or mental i didn't understand you

00:07:27: uh when you said it uh anxiety uh okay ah okay so

00:07:34: and basically chronic chronic anxiety because of substance abuse in my 20s

00:07:41: i went you know ultra ultra music festival no

00:07:45: well you know the dj festivals yeah of course

00:07:48: yeah where everyone takes a bunch of drugs and stuff that was me in the first

00:07:51: row fucking pairing like crazy let's go drinking taking a bunch of

00:07:56: pills and that led me to a very wrong or not

00:08:00: wrong very a path that was not serving me at that

00:08:03: moment i hit really rock bottom like super super rock

00:08:07: bottom and then is when i began getting more

00:08:10: into this i was always a spiritual person within

00:08:13: but that was like the heat that okay i have to meditate or i needed to meditate

00:08:17: i had to do yoga i had to walk every day just to be

00:08:21: functional per se so yoga and calisthenics together

00:08:24: literally transform my mind i'm still i would consider myself an

00:08:28: anxious person but i don't see myself now as an anxiety i

00:08:32: just see it i'm just hyperactive i love to talk and

00:08:35: now i know how to catalyze that energy or how to

00:08:38: release that energy whether it is through yoga calisthenics or meditation

00:08:42: now physical limitations i had 40 plus dislocations on

00:08:46: both of my shoulders so they're very very instable and they're like

00:08:50: super super mobile as you can see and that was from the weightlifting a lot of

00:08:56: internal rotation a lot of bench pressing a lot of

00:08:59: upright rows like exercises that you shouldn't be doing that i was doing

00:09:03: and then on calisthenics i wouldn't say it heal because when i began

00:09:08: calisthenics and when i began yoga i didn't know any better i was not coach

00:09:13: in a very good way so calisthenics kind of fucked up my shoulder a little

00:09:18: bit more because freestyling like landing on the bar

00:09:22: mindlessly without external rotating and really engaging the bar

00:09:25: it was always popping out that would set me back to the gym for like a month

00:09:29: until it healed again yoga my mistake was

00:09:33: over stretching so we can get into how to avoid shoulder injury i'm like

00:09:38: pretty experiencing that um now i mean my

00:09:43: training is completely different i do not over stretch

00:09:45: yoga i focus mostly on mobility functional movement

00:09:49: calisthenics i do not freestyle i completely stop freestyling and i'm

00:09:53: focusing mostly on your overall health and the static calls

00:09:57: and concents and all that okay

00:10:01: and like what are you what are your goals right now uh what else stuff that

00:10:05: you are working on so it's really hard to set up goals to

00:10:10: be honest with saturn movement it's a membership side

00:10:14: website where i had to put content content constantly

00:10:18: and i like to do a like a good job and i do like 50 60

00:10:24: minute workout explanations like two in a

00:10:27: single day like we filmed that so it's very hard to keep my training in

00:10:32: sync with that now that was like last year i would say

00:10:34: but now like i'm starting to like juggle things out a little bit better my

00:10:39: current goals um i really want to get the mana but i

00:10:43: haven't start training for it i'm just doing a couple visits a couple

00:10:47: times a week and it's getting a little bit higher a

00:10:50: little bit higher a little bit higher and the reason i'm

00:10:52: not training for the money is because i really really want to get the plunge

00:10:56: and the front lever which has been my two nemesis and the two moves that

00:11:01: especially the front lever or lever or however it's pronounced

00:11:05: and the planche comes easier to me the front lever comes harder just

00:11:10: because i don't have that much pulling strength and also because of my

00:11:14: shoulder injury both of the movements i'll i would i would say that i haven't

00:11:18: gotten them because one consistency but second second my shoulder injury i

00:11:23: didn't know any better and i was just training yeah let's do a

00:11:27: straddle planche but i also have winging scapula we can get

00:11:30: into all those details if you want but my main goals right now

00:11:33: it's i'm releasing the basics on building

00:11:36: a stronger foundation and getting to know my body even

00:11:40: like with everything that i know now it's like then i was fucking up before

00:11:44: like so much so i'm trying to make things right from

00:11:47: the beginning but my main goals are climbs front lever

00:11:50: um those two um i'm middle split when it comes to mobility

00:11:55: i'm obviously still training handstands still training basic movements

00:11:59: but i'm really trying to narrow it down because

00:12:02: i realize that when i go too broad i don't get shit done

00:12:05: okay we've all experienced that pressure yeah that's true uh what i found quite

00:12:11: exp impressive is um like when when people

00:12:14: see you and when i see you on social media you're like

00:12:17: an athlete uh in the game for for a lot like

00:12:21: for a long time now and uh and in your last post or in your last post you you

00:12:26: took some steps back uh you did some like beginner exercise

00:12:30: let's call them and for me it was impressive to say

00:12:32: because uh usually the people that i follow and i know

00:12:35: don't share stuff like that and that's something it was scary to follow

00:12:42: and for me it's like um it's really impressive to see that because

00:12:45: um a lot of people don't do that because of like let's say

00:12:49: ego because they think our people are not interested in that

00:12:52: uh why do you share this journey even though it's not the

00:12:55: wow content so i said it was scary because i mean there are two i see it as

00:13:01: two things over there one is ego clearly it's like i don't

00:13:05: want people or people don't want others to see that you're stepping back

00:13:09: and that you cannot plant your phone like people still say how did you get

00:13:12: the plant so perfect i'm like i cannot plant at the moment

00:13:16: maybe because an old video that i i could plant

00:13:19: in the past but it's like people don't want to put themselves

00:13:23: like i cannot do this anymore or i i don't have this level that

00:13:27: people look up to me like like that so it's it's a journey and that that's

00:13:33: not hard for me because i like to present myself just as

00:13:36: i am and yes i've been in the game for a long time

00:13:39: i can do impressive stuff with my body but there are some things that i cannot

00:13:43: do and i like to share that also to make

00:13:45: people more relatable and to place the truth because sometimes

00:13:49: i don't have instagram posts because i'm not punching

00:13:52: or i'm not doing anything impressive so what i'm going to share i'm going to

00:13:55: share whatever whatever the heck i'm doing and i'm

00:13:57: doing planks i'm doing hollow bodies i'm doing

00:13:59: side planks and i'm doing planche sleeves and

00:14:03: that is the ego part but the other part that

00:14:06: is the one that concerns me the more more a little bit is the business side

00:14:10: of it which can be tricky if you share that

00:14:14: mindlessly and you're not mindfully sharing value because then i share

00:14:20: because it's gonna add value to a lot of people

00:14:23: even though people saw us from being a high elite

00:14:27: athlete most of the people that follow us are

00:14:29: beginners so they are really really gonna benefit from

00:14:32: those posts and even advanced athletes are gonna say then this guy who's

00:14:36: famous or whatever he's sharing that there is nothing wrong with going back

00:14:42: to the basics but business side i see how he can conflict a little

00:14:46: bit that just a 18 years old kid that one kid

00:14:51: or team whatever that wants to get the plunge

00:14:55: if he doesn't see planche post from me he might not buy my program he might buy

00:15:01: anybody else's program so i went through those ego and business

00:15:06: side and i said you know what fuck it like

00:15:09: like this is me i know i'm gonna get the plank very soon

00:15:12: like i already got it i i know where i'm going

00:15:15: and maybe my social media can step can have a dip

00:15:18: because i'm sharing i'm not sharing advanced movements

00:15:22: but i know i will and if i don't and it's been a i'm not gonna say it has

00:15:28: been easy because it's been a battle because sometimes you just want to say

00:15:31: i right now i have gold first elbow if i cannot do pull-ups

00:15:34: and stopping doing pull-ups it might mean that my pulling strength goes

00:15:39: lower so i cannot show pull ups which you know how it goes so it's been a

00:15:45: battle but i realized that the more honest with myself i am and the more

00:15:49: truthful i am with my audience the better they're going to

00:15:52: relate to me and once they see me and once they see

00:15:56: actually that i got an advanced movement they

00:15:58: like then it doesn't came easy to him so that's something i

00:16:04: like i like to relate with my audience more

00:16:06: than they see me as this god or coach or whatever an alien even though my name my

00:16:12: last name is saturn

00:16:16: i might be i might be an alien is it but it is your real name right

00:16:20: it is yeah it is my last name yeah okay nice um yeah and it's like um people

00:16:27: love to get on the journey of an athlete nobody

00:16:30: like of course it's impressive to see somebody doing uh

00:16:33: i don't know like a straddle planche um but

00:16:36: to uh the the athletes or the people who take

00:16:40: their community on the journey going there and show them step by step or

00:16:44: there is a failure or there was a success

00:16:47: like this is how you build a relationship with

00:16:50: with your community and that's um i think what people appreciate about your

00:16:54: content is that it's it's like it's real and uh

00:16:58: you even show the stuff that is not uh like that won't go viral because it's

00:17:02: like the craziest uh move or something but it's it's honest i

00:17:07: appreciate it brother appreciate it nice um let's jump into your day

00:17:13: uh what does your typical day look like do you have a routine for the morning

00:17:19: i do currently i'm doing a certificate for being a

00:17:23: yoga instructor because i'm just a job instructor without certificate

00:17:27: and even though i don't believe in that a paper

00:17:30: should showcase whatever you are teaching

00:17:34: and i just wanted to do it for the experience i'm doing an intensive

00:17:37: six week online yoga teacher training at the moment

00:17:40: plus the business plus getting married

00:17:44: yeah thank you and so my morning routine at the moment i wake up 5 30 6 a.m

00:17:52: i go for a walk where i listen to some yoga books that i need to read

00:17:56: and then i come back and i studied a little bit more yoga then i do my yoga

00:18:00: practice around seven to eight am then

00:18:04: at nine i head over to the studio i work out at

00:18:11: 10 to 11 am two to three hours until 12 1 p.m i haven't eaten anything at

00:18:18: this moment just coffee just water yeah i fast most days and

00:18:23: then i have a small meal like a kind of a lunch or a protein

00:18:26: shake around to three pm still that's at the studio with our

00:18:30: films and content with uh work on business related stuff we either

00:18:35: keep moving we either plan future videos with a record for

00:18:38: academy for youtube anything business related related until

00:18:43: 5 pm i head back home i cook some meal and i enjoy night with

00:18:49: my girl a woman my woman now

00:18:53: nice well i do some movement i do some movements around

00:18:57: four or five at the studio and i do have an hour of unbalancing

00:19:01: then when i come back and i'm preparing meal i might do another yoga session or

00:19:05: another hand balancing session let me throw that in there it's around

00:19:09: i counter is like around five to six hours of movement

00:19:13: throughout the day without counting them the time that i do this or that i

00:19:17: stretch okay in an interview or something

00:19:21: and movement is also taking a walk uh in the morning or something

00:19:25: yes yes that completely recharges me nice well that's a typical day obviously

00:19:32: we'll be living through very erratic times

00:19:34: chronological stuff and so that's now that we're coming back

00:19:39: to the gym but before that i was staying home all day i would move every

00:19:43: single second or i would go for a walk like three or four walks or if you

00:19:47: follow me on instagram i do like four or five lives like two lives

00:19:52: every single day sometimes and because i need that

00:19:56: i need to get out i need the sun to wipe me up

00:20:00: and the movement do you count your steps uh that you do per day

00:20:04: i've never counted my stuff i don't have any watch

00:20:07: that counts that i don't know my heart applications

00:20:11: and i don't do it for fat loss at all and i don't even walk fast it's like a

00:20:16: brief walk and i don't joke either i used to sprint

00:20:22: when i was very serious in like aesthetic physique

00:20:25: type of thing and but i just walked for mental benefit to begin

00:20:30: okay cool and your workout schedule let's uh let's go through this one per

00:20:37: week do you split your your workout days uh is yoga

00:20:41: exercise over every day the same or like let's go into depth into okay let's get

00:20:48: in depth into workouts okay so uh let's say that five months ago i

00:20:54: never locked my workouts or planned my workouts or tracked my workout i had an

00:20:58: idea yes pull push leg pull push left but i was just doing whatever i felt

00:21:03: that day recently like three months ago i said

00:21:06: you know what i'm gonna lock everything rpe which is rate of

00:21:10: perceived exertion basically from one to ten you do a set

00:21:13: and you say eight that means that you have two reps

00:21:16: left in the tank so basically you're logging your reps and you're logging how

00:21:20: hard the set was your resting time everything because i

00:21:23: wanted to see that week by week progress and it's been

00:21:27: amazing it's i mean it takes a lot of time to like write it down so i've been

00:21:30: like creating some templates on the computer

00:21:33: and stuff but anyways my current one i am experimenting with

00:21:37: one single workout which is a full body upper body focus so not too

00:21:43: much legs so pull push targeted towards the flange and front

00:21:46: lever monday i do the same on wednesday and i do the

00:21:50: same on friday now on wednesday i go a little bit higher intensity on the

00:21:56: exercises and lower rep range so let's say on monday do hands and push-ups

00:21:59: against the wall on the floor and then on wednesday i do

00:22:03: hands-on push-ups on the part that's a deeper range of motion so i might do

00:22:07: five sets of ten on monday and i may do five sets of five

00:22:11: on wednesday so more certain focus more endurance focus so

00:22:15: i'm doing that monday wednesdays and fridays because that really work that

00:22:18: schedule full body or upper body a little bit

00:22:21: less at the end if i have energy that really work a last about a year and

00:22:27: a half when i got for the first time ever my front lever

00:22:30: and my a good good straddle plunge in a shitty pool planche and so it

00:22:36: worked until i got married and i completely

00:22:40: throw my training out of the window so i'm

00:22:42: basically repeating that but obviously way more conscious way more in

00:22:46: tune with what i'm doing and trying to log everything

00:22:49: now tuesdays and thursdays i do either a hand balancing session

00:22:53: or a yoga session or just active rest depending on how i feel

00:22:58: so hard hard and the middle unbalancing and yoga it's

00:23:05: i try to for example if i'm this is not at the moment but if i'm

00:23:11: doing like a pulling session uh one day i will do it back then the

00:23:16: routine on the same day which is back extension

00:23:19: you're working the same muscles of basically pulling and if i'm doing a

00:23:23: pushing routine i would do a forward folding session on

00:23:27: yoga right now i'll just do like full body

00:23:30: mobility or i'll work on my middle splits or i'll do

00:23:33: mostly hip opening focus which is one of the things that

00:23:37: the areas of flexibility that i'm most limited in

00:23:40: and that's it any specific questions that you wanna

00:23:45: ask i'm open to say um yeah only the reason um

00:23:51: the focus on legs is not there because it doesn't it's not fun to you

00:23:55: it doesn't meet your goals honestly it's because i don't have the

00:24:01: energy to do it especially at the moment with

00:24:04: this yoga teacher training and we're doing a look like the teacher

00:24:08: that is teaching me doing a lot of legs a lot of like squats lunges and stuff so

00:24:12: i truly do not have the energy now if i were not doing yoga at all

00:24:18: i would definitely incorporate a legs either

00:24:21: on tuesdays and friday and thursdays like on those between days

00:24:25: or i'll add one leg exercise at the end of the pull pull session

00:24:30: and they'll be either reverse hyper extensions

00:24:33: natural leg extensions nordic curls and those are my three goals too

00:24:39: for calisthenics skills okay cool um the question that i like to ask

00:24:47: is do you have three advices

00:24:51: uh to someone like to the people who do calisthenics

00:24:55: um some stuff that they should do to progress faster

00:25:01: maybe it's daily habits maybe it's uh some

00:25:04: some mistakes they make in their training that they could avoid etc

00:25:09: there are so many i actually share five things i wish i knew

00:25:13: before sign calisthenics on instagram so i'm trying to remember those but

00:25:16: i won't try to remember i just want i'm just gonna say the first

00:25:19: three that comes to my mind first one is the most basic one which is

00:25:24: basics like really really master the basics and

00:25:28: some people see basics and i'm trying to explain this a little bit more to my

00:25:32: audience they see basics as pull-ups dips and

00:25:35: push-ups those are basics but doors are not truly

00:25:39: truly that basic like if you get somebody that has never done

00:25:42: calisthenics and you make them do regular push-ups

00:25:45: that's not basic for them for them it's like literally plank

00:25:49: hollow body holes uh like side planks like bird dogs

00:25:53: like very very basic exercise like teach your body

00:25:57: what protraction is before you get into hollow body push-ups

00:26:02: and teach your body what retraction is before you grab a bar and you try to do

00:26:05: a high pull-up and pull it as high as you possibly can

00:26:08: so really really understand the movements

00:26:11: and get very very good at them like i i didn't do that i was like okay i can do

00:26:15: 12 pull-ups for four sets that's enough no that's a

00:26:19: bodybuilding style type of thing if you really want to

00:26:22: get a if you want to be a beast on the front lever

00:26:26: get at least 20 pull-ups like 20 good pull-ups and

00:26:30: i'm not saying that to get a phone level you need 20 pull-ups or that you cannot

00:26:33: get a front lever if you don't have pull-ups

00:26:35: but it's i it's way smarter that you spend time on pull-ups and then you work

00:26:40: on your straight and pulling strength then you only hold your top front lever

00:26:45: for five seconds and you can only do eight pull-ups you

00:26:48: might progress but first you're gonna process it slowly

00:26:51: second your chances of getting injured are super super super high

00:26:55: you might not notice it at all but tendonitis it's

00:26:58: super clear if your lats and your rhomboids are not strong to pull

00:27:02: yourself your body is going to take it from here

00:27:04: it happened to me and then you've got gold first of all

00:27:07: and the same with chinese elbows and all type of

00:27:10: injuries anyway so that's the number one really really master the basics more

00:27:15: than you think way more than you think um

00:27:19: second one

00:27:25: know your goals for sure be really really clear on your goals

00:27:30: know where you're going after and have shorter goals so you can keep the

00:27:35: motivation going also have very long-term goals but do

00:27:39: not expect to get here super super fast so you have a plan as a

00:27:44: goal know that you need to go through the

00:27:46: steps do your research so it's a bunch of tips in one

00:27:49: so be clear on your goals and see other people that has gotten there

00:27:54: ask for their advice and obviously experiment with yourself

00:27:57: and get to a conclusion you're gonna get to many conclusions as you go and your

00:28:02: goals might change but stick to one goal and

00:28:05: stick to one method that's another tip i'll jump to that

00:28:08: later uh be clear on your goals and just follow through it and focus on the

00:28:14: basics if your goal is to plunge and you're gonna do a plank with a whole

00:28:19: position for 30 seconds because your wrists are

00:28:22: hurting do not going to clench lean yet spend

00:28:26: time on plank spend time warming up your wrists get

00:28:29: conditioned on your wrists and on the joints before you get into

00:28:32: those so to to fall be clear on your goals and be patient with those goals

00:28:38: third one and there are two a school of thoughts

00:28:43: we have the people that do a different workout every single day

00:28:48: every single day what should i do okay today's shoulder so i'm gonna do a

00:28:51: shoulder prayer and every single workout is a different

00:28:54: workout like they just like to different workouts

00:28:56: nothing wrong with that but i'm just gonna explain why and then you have the

00:29:00: other people who select one workout they do that

00:29:02: workout for their entire life they don't change anything they don't do

00:29:06: anything and they okay you might be increasing your reps but

00:29:10: your body is smarter than that you can increase rep which is healing

00:29:13: your progression to a certain point but then you're gonna have to do

00:29:17: something you're gonna have to either include a full body workout here and

00:29:19: there you might have to do a heavy light weight you might have to do

00:29:23: a deal a program deal a week so we have the people that are monkey

00:29:28: workouts and we have the people that do the same thing over and over

00:29:33: forever i like to advise people to be in the middle which

00:29:38: is intermediate and intermittent

00:29:44: constant intermittent constant basically so

00:29:47: you do something constantly for a period of time

00:29:51: and then you should you switch it up but you take notes you observe

00:29:55: but you don't change things that often like constant variety

00:29:59: will lead you to just getting good at constant variety if you it depends

00:30:04: obviously on your goals if you're just training

00:30:07: just solely for the sake of having fun by any means go ahead and do

00:30:11: whatever you like on every single workout but if your goal is to get from

00:30:14: five pull-ups to 25 pull-ups and you're just doing random

00:30:18: workouts and random pulling grip strength and stuff

00:30:21: you it's gonna take you longer to get there i'm not saying you won't get there

00:30:24: because i i was there doing different workouts every single

00:30:28: day but i got to a place that i wanted i didn't want to

00:30:32: be i wanted the client on the front lever and

00:30:34: obviously you don't get the plantain from level doing random workouts

00:30:38: i mean you don't unless you are also all the lugonis who knows

00:30:44: so those are my three advice okay clear one

00:30:49: so let's basically 20 in one but 20 and three

00:30:52: but uh yeah that's uh i i tend to do that

00:30:56: i'd say like uh my youtube videos is like top five exercises for

00:31:01: the calisthenics skills and i literally give you like

00:31:04: 30 exercises because of the variations and the modifications i

00:31:08: do believe we are all different and and in saturday moving i

00:31:11: really really emphasize that that we are all completely different so if you see

00:31:14: my programs you will never see pull-ups 10 reps you

00:31:19: will see pull-ups 8 to 15 then you have a decrease

00:31:22: intensity you have an increase intensity you have modifications if you don't have

00:31:25: a pull-up bar you have modifications if you have elbow pain

00:31:27: like i really pay attention to that because we are completely different

00:31:31: and we need to take that into consideration

00:31:34: that's interesting because most of the workout plans out there

00:31:37: are like uh pull-ups 10 to 12 reps just like not even that 12

00:31:42: reps and that's it yeah do that exactly and and they work

00:31:46: because if most people they don't get to 12 they

00:31:50: they're gonna repeat the workout and they might eventually get to twelve

00:31:54: but i like to teach if you have eight to twelve and you can only do six

00:31:58: you you can either complete with negative you can either complete with

00:32:02: bands you can either rest pause you can either

00:32:05: jump into australian pull-ups like there's so many methods

00:32:08: that i i don't only want to get people from point a to point b but i wanna

00:32:14: teach them how they got from point a to point b so

00:32:18: why are you using negatives instead of bands in this

00:32:21: specific cycle and why would you use the negative with a deeper range of

00:32:26: motion in this specific cycle i like to teach

00:32:29: that which is it's confusing it's confusing to teach

00:32:33: and to put everything to a single program and for everyone but

00:32:37: that's i would say that's my mission when it

00:32:39: comes to calisthenics okay but your focus is really on

00:32:44: on the the workout side do you also give advice for

00:32:47: nutrition the nutrition section so the estimate of the saturated academy

00:32:55: is it has yoga calisthenics and balancing a bunch of stuff

00:32:58: before launching i said that i was going to be a nutrition section in there

00:33:02: i still haven't opened the nutrition section er

00:33:05: for one big reason is a huge topic to be honest uh that i still don't know

00:33:12: how to how do i want to present it well if i

00:33:15: want to go over the basics that's why yesterday on my instagram i

00:33:19: asked ask me anything about nutrition and i'm gonna start with a youtube video

00:33:23: because i don't even have one single youtube video on nutrition

00:33:26: and ego aside i know a shit ton about nutrition that i can't

00:33:31: share but it's a huge topic that i'm like okay some are vegan some more

00:33:36: keto somewhere here how do i package it in a

00:33:39: way that this is a template you can modify it to

00:33:43: your level this is what works for me like i'm still

00:33:46: figuring out how to put it so no we don't have nutrition

00:33:49: yet but we have a community and they post their their meals and stuff and we

00:33:53: comment to each other okay and how does your nutrition look

00:33:58: like my nutrition i fast most days um

00:34:03: until 2 or 3 p.m which is my first meal so i have

00:34:06: a small meal 2 or 3 p.m then i have either a snack

00:34:09: around 5 6 pm and then i get my biggest meal around 7 to 8 p.m

00:34:14: that's most days other days very rare i have breakfast i have breakfast lunch

00:34:20: snack and dinner and other days i do all math or one meal

00:34:25: a day so i don't eat throughout the entire day

00:34:29: basically 24 hour fast and i have a big meal at night

00:34:32: when it comes to carbs proteins and fats and

00:34:35: mostly high fats so i did keto i don't feel familiar with keto

00:34:39: yeah oh let's do that let's explain like let's explain it shortly for the people

00:34:44: yeah so keto is a type of diet where you cut carbs

00:34:48: out of the part of your diet it's it's set for vegetables so it starts your

00:34:53: carbs like rice potatoes pasta you cut that out

00:34:58: and your body is going to go through a transitional period where it's going to

00:35:02: be like fuck because you've been eating carbs

00:35:04: for so long is your energy fuel and now you don't have that energy fuel

00:35:08: and but then your body begins to adapt and begins to use

00:35:11: fat as a source of energy and it begins producing keto ketones

00:35:16: that's the name ketosis in your brain which is a different type of food a fuel

00:35:21: and you get hunger less uh your mood is more stable your energy

00:35:27: is much more stable it has some amazing especially mental

00:35:31: benefits it really helped me a lot with anxiety it

00:35:35: cures epilepsy there are some studies in there

00:35:37: like it's an immense amazing diet for mental benefits

00:35:40: so he did it for one year but it has a downside which

00:35:44: is uh for a anaerobic exercise or like high intensity exercise

00:35:50: we do need not carbs but we do need glucose

00:35:54: so your body can produce glucose on its own without

00:35:58: having carbs but there is a limit that your body produces

00:36:02: and if you want to get 10 pull ups 20 muscle ups and then

00:36:06: 30 straight bar dips and then come back into a front lever you need

00:36:10: some type of glucose so i did it for one year i

00:36:13: thought adapted my i was feeling amazing i could run forever like your endurance

00:36:19: goes up but my strength plateau completely so

00:36:22: then is when i began incorporating a carbs on certain days and that's what

00:36:28: i do today so i do mostly keto on most days and i would say i do

00:36:33: twice a week i eat carbs a little bit of carbs

00:36:37: which my refeed my might seem like half the carbs of what

00:36:41: the regular person eats on a daily basis so i like my first meal a little bit of

00:36:47: rice second meal a little bit of sweet potato

00:36:50: that's enough carbs for me for two to three days of workouts well

00:36:56: and i don't like how i feel when i carbs like mentally that much

00:36:59: but it gives me that energy to work out so it's that balance between one another

00:37:03: i think i'm gonna do keto when i'm older like super old uh that i

00:37:08: just wanna tightly cycling and do handstands

00:37:11: because for hansen it's good it's endurance base

00:37:13: it you can i did it perfectly but to do pull-ups way to pull up where

00:37:18: it beeps you need some sort of carbs at least in my personal opinion i've

00:37:23: known some athletes that do weight training they're huge and

00:37:26: and they do keto and they kill advocates but i mean i don't know i'm ecstatic or

00:37:31: if they're thinking something or not

00:37:35: okay and uh what is your like uh do you eat

00:37:39: dairy products do you eat vegan vegetarian

00:37:42: uh okay so i'm not vegan or vegetarian yet i i would like to try it and

00:37:50: and i'm not vegan not because i love meat

00:37:53: but just because i it hasn't occurred me to try it and also because vegan is

00:37:59: if you want to do vegan it should be or a a fun vegan diet will

00:38:05: incorporate carbs you can do vegan and keto but that will suck so much because

00:38:11: the dependent like the good thing about keto is that you have like

00:38:14: bacon you have meat i eat very good meat that high quality meat and like once a

00:38:20: week you have fish you have eggs so that is a fun part of

00:38:25: keto if i take that away and i just eat oils and salad i would go crazy

00:38:30: so that is one of the main reasons i don't do vegan is because of the carb

00:38:34: thing but i also know that i also run well in carbs so i might try it once

00:38:41: but deviating a lot i'm not vegan or vegetarian so

00:38:45: mostly ketogenic food meat once a week mostly fish for my

00:38:51: protein sources lots of vegetables so my plate would be

00:38:54: a source of protein a lot of vegetables and healthy fats

00:38:58: like avocado olive oil mct oil it's a different type

00:39:03: of oil coconut oil and that's it mostly fish

00:39:08: dairy let me know coming up dairy that's my weak spot

00:39:12: like i love cheese it's like it's so hard to give up like if i have to

00:39:18: if i have cheese on my house two things will happen one

00:39:22: i'm gonna eat it all second if you see a youtube video

00:39:26: two days after that i won't have a six-pack

00:39:30: really yeah is that bad i'm the person who cannot eat that

00:39:35: little bit of cheese nuts is another one that is super

00:39:38: healthy to have a handful like if you go to our ancestors nuts is

00:39:43: that you pick it up on a tree you open it it's one knot

00:39:46: now we have those big jars especially here in the usa

00:39:49: and you're sitting down watching netflix let's go

00:39:52: that's like the the pack is like 10 000 calories something like that

00:39:57: so those are like my guilty pleasures i would say

00:40:00: um but i do my best to stay away from dairy and meat like once a week and it

00:40:07: has to be grass-fed organic grass finish and all that well

00:40:12: okay interesting because like you see or i see a lot of people who are like um

00:40:18: really living a conscious life and you're thinking about this stuff like uh

00:40:24: it comes with yoga it comes with even calisthenics uh nowadays so yeah i

00:40:28: was just interested in and your opinion on that uh like on the

00:40:33: on the on the uh physical side but also on your

00:40:36: um yeah on your mental side so yeah that's interesting

00:40:41: so in the spiritual side so it's sort of interrupt you would be if i

00:40:44: go vegan it would be only because of that

00:40:48: because i feel amazing eating meat and eating fish

00:40:51: i might feel better i don't know i haven't tried so i don't know but if i

00:40:54: choose to go vegan or try vegan which i might at least try

00:40:58: so i can also teach it and it will be for the moral reasons

00:41:03: because i do believe that we need to take care of the planet

00:41:05: and so forth so even though grass-fed meat

00:41:09: they treat good the cows and it's a small farm and everything i think

00:41:15: we are going to survive better as a species if we eat plants

00:41:20: no that's some more geological stuff okay nice

00:41:27: so um we asked the instagram community some questions and

00:41:34: we received some of them i picked out the the best ones

00:41:38: and uh we can just dive in with the first one

00:41:41: from uh kalis um khalis b bg or b9 uh why did you leave thenx

00:41:51: you know nobody has ever asked me that before really

00:41:58: so i said it in a couple interviews and i'll say here again that i don't like to

00:42:02: talk about that topic because people like love drama

00:42:06: and that can bring complications both for the thenx brand and both for saturn

00:42:11: movement brand and i didn't leave thenx so it was not

00:42:14: my choice they decided me for me not to be there

00:42:17: any longer and and that's it i just like to keep it

00:42:21: up there i don't have hate at all i mean i don't

00:42:25: have hate about anybody in this world but i don't have hate towards anybody in

00:42:30: the fx crew and and we are just in separate

00:42:34: lanes so let's just keep that on okay

00:42:38: good um i am jero is asking what is your best memory in

00:42:44: life until now best memory yes a psychedelic trip

00:42:52: really 100 yeah like i don't know if you have tried ever

00:42:57: psychological or not no you look like a very like guy right

00:43:02: but yeah everybody anybody that has i mean you can put it in the comment

00:43:06: section anybody that has taken psychedelics

00:43:09: either magic mushrooms or lsd and have had

00:43:12: a positive experience because you could have a horrible experience

00:43:17: it'll still be a memory but maybe not the best

00:43:20: but anybody that has experimented with them

00:43:24: in a safe manner and the intention for me is super important like i do it for

00:43:28: spiritual reasons but i've done it for spiritual reasons

00:43:31: um it's a beautiful experience it's just i

00:43:34: mean you're kind of you are one with the entire universe and even

00:43:38: though i've got into that estate meditating alone it's a very similar

00:43:43: experience uh you cannot compare

00:43:47: apples to i mean even though it's supposed to apples but this one

00:43:50: this apple is like a magic so yeah you feel connected with entire

00:43:55: world there is no hate within you you are completely present

00:43:59: the lights around you obviously hallucinations are part of it

00:44:03: but it's mostly a feeling of peace and if i want to throw that in there i'm

00:44:08: not recommending anybody here to take psychedelics

00:44:13: but it truly helped me a lot with my anxiety it truly made me see my life

00:44:17: in a different way it made me saw my anxiety from a different perspective

00:44:22: what was causing it and and also i was after a bad trip for

00:44:26: a whole very scary trip you realize that social

00:44:31: anxiety or just anxiety in general is nothing because you i literally felt

00:44:35: like i died like it's called ego death like you you

00:44:39: forget your name you forget your where you are your surroundings

00:44:43: disappear you're just entering to this loop that you die

00:44:47: and when once you accept you're deaf it's like there is nothing else that can

00:44:52: scare you i'm still get scared a lot of stuff but it was definitely a

00:44:56: transformative experience so not saying that you should

00:45:00: go especially if you are under 18 or under 21

00:45:03: please don't please do your research but if you're going to drink alcohol or

00:45:09: say psychedelics i would i'll take psychedelics

00:45:17: at least you're not fucking up your kidney

00:45:22: i didn't expect that to come back in this interview but actually yeah you can

00:45:25: put that in the title

00:45:28: me neither i didn't expect this one i i expected some some nice

00:45:32: stuff from your childhood or something but um

00:45:37: you never know yeah you never know yeah but thanks for sharing so um yeah

00:45:43: everybody can make his own thoughts on this we'll see

00:45:48: um carissi sw is asking um can you do the mana um

00:45:55: let's let's uh reformulate this question do you have a like a date where you

00:46:00: think you will be able to do it um yeah let's 100

00:46:06: and it's funny because people ask me like do you have the mana he's like if i

00:46:09: had the mana um

00:46:15: like i mean i would but you'll see somewhere in my feet you would see a

00:46:18: mana the same with the flange and no so i

00:46:22: cannot mana i definitely i knew that i would

00:46:26: train for it and that would include two to three sessions dedicated to the

00:46:30: manner which if i throw that with the plankton front lever forget it

00:46:34: but when i do i know that in six months to the very max i would get

00:46:41: the mana so definitely happening definitely

00:46:44: before i turn 30 so definitely before two years

00:46:48: let me get the planche the front lever and then i'll jump into the money but

00:46:51: i'll get it for sure it comes easy to me it's one of those

00:46:54: like planting from level i'm really struggling to get there

00:46:57: the visit i didn't really train directly to the visit i just did a lot of

00:47:01: hamstring flexibility a lot of compression strength

00:47:04: a lot of outfits and a lot of visit attempts and it happened

00:47:08: it happened okay cool yeah well for many people it's the plans like it just

00:47:12: happened i'm like how because i need to do a lot of plunge

00:47:16: sleep and a lot of top planches in order to

00:47:19: get there

00:47:22: once again that's true that's uh what makes life interesting that everybody's

00:47:26: different and everybody has different strengths and weaknesses and so

00:47:29: yeah correct absolutely nice um e gucci is asking

00:47:36: best way to planche and front lever

00:47:40: best best way yes i'm gonna throw a tip planche

00:47:48: really focus on your scapula and your serratus like you need to have a strong

00:47:52: protraction and strong depression like you need to be

00:47:55: locked in place so a lot of elbow planks a lot of plenty a lot of clients

00:47:59: really get that position do not confuse a spinal flexion with protraction so

00:48:06: have you seen those planches are like that

00:48:08: yeah that is your flexing from your spine that's a

00:48:12: compensation of lack of a scapular strength a plan

00:48:15: should be right here so you should be straight your shoulders are forward

00:48:19: but you are not facing so the best way to planche

00:48:22: neutral spine shoulders protracted shoulders depressed

00:48:26: hips open at 180 degrees so full hip extension

00:48:29: any posterior pelvic tilt for however the same exact thing as everything i

00:48:34: mentioned especially in the lower body uh your scapula retracted

00:48:39: and depressed so retracted you aim for retraction

00:48:44: but obviously gravity is going to do its work and you might end up in neutral so

00:48:48: instead of retracting protractor on neutral always depress

00:48:51: but just look for the movement that you feel your lats the most

00:48:55: and the best advice for front lever is eat pull-ups and eat

00:49:02: dragon flaps that's how i got my front lever

00:49:05: while a while back i was doing 30 pull-ups

00:49:08: right now i probably can do 12 because of my golfer's elbow

00:49:12: so become a beast on pull-ups and become a beast in dragon dragonflies and the

00:49:15: front lever is yours okay maybe they need to do a

00:49:19: couple negatives and stuff yeah but sounds like a plan okay

00:49:25: um karipov is asking what's your maximum l-sit hold

00:49:32: it um yeah i i did a pose actually but it was it was it wasn't a youtube

00:49:38: video it was a cut from a youtube video that i did

00:49:40: for my challenge i held it for 35 seconds

00:49:45: however i'm pretty confident that i can get to a minute no problem

00:49:49: with our problem okay now there are two different type of l-sits or well there

00:49:53: are many type of l-sits but the l-sit that i do is with a

00:49:56: protractor scapula right here because i got a lot of flexibility so

00:50:00: it's way easier to do if you count the lcd which is right here

00:50:06: 10 seconds 15 seconds which is without retracted scapula and like

00:50:10: you're a little in l shape so i don't know if you know the difference between

00:50:13: those two but once requires more strength and

00:50:15: where one requires more flexibility okay and the strength you're working on

00:50:21: currently or is it uh like is it not a goal or

00:50:26: yeah which one the the the one with the strength the strength uh l-sit

00:50:33: and i don't include it i i mean i would include it

00:50:36: whenever i'm i begin training for the mana because

00:50:39: i know that i can hold the visit for i think my max was 27 seconds on

00:50:47: 180 before dropping to be 480 yeah and i can and i cannot hold that lt for

00:50:54: for that long because the the v6 is more of a compression i get some

00:50:59: help with the balance it's not so much core and scapula strength

00:51:03: but i would incorporate that lcd hole definitely

00:51:07: on if i would training for the mana currently it's not one of my main goals

00:51:10: so i just do a couple visits here and there

00:51:12: okay cool um and i think the last question from the

00:51:18: community from year year russia uh what is your

00:51:22: favorite skill

00:51:27: plunge plunge okay planche therefore definitely

00:51:31: definitely definitely i i i don't wanna i don't wanna say it yet because it's

00:51:35: been taking me so long but i'm going to become a plant beast but that's at least

00:51:39: on my mind we'll see what happens and then we will play this interview in a

00:51:42: couple years but that's that that that's skill that i

00:51:46: have to die i cannot die without having and that's

00:51:50: something that eric ortiz said in in an interview like

00:51:53: and i cannot die without planting before when i listen to that i'm like that's

00:51:58: that resonates so much i will not die until i planche before

00:52:02: because and i say it's my favorite first of all because i just love the shape and

00:52:05: i love everything about it but it's because

00:52:08: i've been struggling so much i've gotten injured so much doing it

00:52:12: wrong uh i've learned so much about my body and

00:52:16: about like it unlocks so many things and that

00:52:20: i just i got a pledge

00:52:25: i will pledge keep it under keep it on the record today

00:52:30: by september 6th

00:52:34: nice i love the commitment that's good um yes so we are coming to an end

00:52:41: i still have some some quick questions quick answers uh hopefully quickly

00:52:45: hopefully yeah i know no that's good i knew that was gonna happen you

00:52:50: probably have like this amount of questions

00:52:52: like oh like these are my questions and we're like right here

00:52:57: we can do part two we can do yes are you a dog or a cat person

00:53:05: a cat cat because of the spiritual uh yes exactly because of that okay because

00:53:12: i also love foreign and i could talk a lot about that but now let's go

00:53:16: yeah just for the people who don't know like the cat is a really spiritual

00:53:20: uh animal and uh wow that's why they say it's like it's like a spiritual being or

00:53:25: something yeah it's like i mean like it's like the most enlightened uh animal

00:53:30: supposedly okay nice

00:53:34: um do you prefer pizza or burger

00:53:39: both okay that guy i mean i can't pizza pizza

00:53:46: okay um do you have a favorite location for holidays

00:53:52: anything that has a mountain a mountain okay mountain a mountain person

00:53:57: well i love the beach too yeah as you can see i'm pretty between everything

00:54:02: but i i love i love the mountain best yeah okay

00:54:06: pizza and burger dogs and cats yeah everything okay so so california where

00:54:11: you have the mountain on the beach okay i'll be my my best place nice

00:54:16: um what would you work as what would change in your life

00:54:19: if social media just disappeared what would change in my life is social

00:54:25: media disappear everything everything not

00:54:30: not too much hey i would say like i'm still being me and i will still

00:54:34: find a way to share my knowledge but yeah you you

00:54:38: we we all would have to really mention a the way that we express

00:54:44: ourselves and how we reach other people so it'll

00:54:47: change for sure but i'm a very adaptable person and

00:54:52: enough planted that idea in my mind like what happened if instagram disappears

00:54:56: tomorrow which in my humble opinion it will

00:54:58: happen at some point maybe not in 2020 but maybe not 2021

00:55:04: but things are going to change we are living through a very sh

00:55:08: entire global shift and social media is a huge part of it

00:55:12: and huge corporations that control everybody here so i'm open to the

00:55:19: possibility that it changes and i'm open to the opportunity that the entire world

00:55:23: changes because we should we are not uh we're doing something wrong as humans

00:55:28: yeah we can get into that we can get into that later but it's true

00:55:32: like uh like a few years not a few

00:55:36: years but a few weeks or months ago um another big social media

00:55:40: platform just disappeared in the us um so with with tickets now yeah click to

00:55:46: rv disappears already but i heard that he's going to get banged

00:55:50: yeah yes so i don't know if that happened already i

00:55:53: don't think so because i heard rumors that people still using it

00:55:56: but most likely it's going to happen okay because i thought

00:56:00: it's already gone in the u.s but uh yeah yeah

00:56:04: i don't know so my advice for other people because that's that can be a

00:56:07: scary thought when you have everything especially when

00:56:11: you have everything on one platform yeah like i have instagram and i have

00:56:15: youtube and i have facebook but facebook is from instagram so if they close

00:56:18: instagram and fuck with facebook uh so if they close imagine you only

00:56:22: have instagram and you have a million followers and

00:56:24: they close it that can be a scary feeling because you're monetizing from

00:56:28: it you're making money from you you're feeding your family from it so it can be

00:56:32: a scary thought so i would recommend people use your

00:56:36: page to really connect with humans in a different light

00:56:40: do not put aside doing a workshop do not put aside

00:56:44: getting in touch with humans but right now it's pretty hard with copied

00:56:48: er but do not put all your eggs in one

00:56:51: basket because it can go to waste that's true i like the saying

00:56:55: that you you build a house on somebody else's

00:56:58: ground you know with uh social media so you're building a big

00:57:02: account which is the house but you're you don't

00:57:06: own the ground so if they change or they shut down the

00:57:09: uh the platform your your gun they even decide how many views and

00:57:14: likes you get i like to compose a post i can post a

00:57:18: post today and i see the difference like in going

00:57:21: up and i post it at the same time or something or it's a good post and i'm

00:57:24: like instagram is shadowing this one or

00:57:27: instagram is putting this one on the explore page and it's going fucking

00:57:29: viral to everywhere and so they decide that so and also

00:57:34: do not put your that's the point number one do not put your happiness

00:57:38: on social media because you are going to be unhappy

00:57:41: as fuck like 100 like our brain doesn't understand you

00:57:46: got 1 000 likes your brain understand

00:57:49: yesterday i got 1 000 and today i got it's not that you get

00:57:54: your body won't remember the 800 remember the difference of 200 that you

00:57:58: had before and you will feel sad so always

00:58:01: distancing yourself and knowing that you are not that piece of equipment

00:58:06: or piece of platform that it is it's uh something to keep in mind

00:58:11: true that's true um

00:58:16: do you have a favorite calisthenics athlete

00:58:19: do you have a hero or somebody or an idol or like

00:58:22: that's big big words but do you have a favorite athlete

00:58:27: favorite athlete everybody asks me that then

00:58:30: i just admire like different things from everybody

00:58:34: um i would just say that i want to do a planche that goes well

00:58:39: lugonites for sure okay at least that easy so yeah i admired him

00:58:44: a lot and i met him we were friends uh he's an amazing

00:58:49: person and just seeing him do plunge call right

00:58:53: away for 30 seconds and jump in like crazy as like dude like

00:58:56: i admire you you are you are a fucking beast

00:59:00: okay i would say him in the calisthenics world

00:59:03: and of course our friend big brandon carter

00:59:06: and of course him yeah nice um do you have a favorite book that

00:59:12: you would recommend um let me go back to

00:59:23: my first the first books i read a mastery

00:59:26: i forgot who was a rhythm for but just mastery

00:59:30: is black with yellow or something i would highly recommend that book

00:59:33: and the motivational manifesto by brendon bukhart

00:59:38: okay yeah for the people interested in that we will put the

00:59:42: i i will look it up and put it in the description

00:59:46: thank you so people can check uh the books of uh

00:59:50: so yeah the first book that i read that was the first one that

00:59:54: okay i need to read there is a magic there is magic in reading

01:00:00: uh do you have a favorite uh no what was the best calisthenics event you've ever

01:00:04: been at

01:00:08: i'm bad for names so i don't remember the event

01:00:11: per se and

01:00:21: i don't remember to be honest

01:00:24: maybe at the beach like the muscle like muscle bitch

01:00:28: okay yeah just because it's a bitch and and it's fun i haven't gone into those

01:00:35: well i went to battle the bars of our school on

01:00:38: california on the field expo but to do i really want to go to those um big

01:00:44: ones on russia and like those big cities like i haven't

01:00:48: gotten there okay i would like to see i would like to

01:00:51: see those beasts performing which by the way back to the

01:00:55: my inspirations uh la rosa is a total beast if i would

01:01:00: have to see a role model when it comes to

01:01:02: performance and also physique would be him okay okay so

01:01:08: nice yeah i tend to forget

01:01:13: it good um

01:01:18: then the last question maybe the hardest one of the whole

01:01:21: the whole interview be prepared if you have to decide

01:01:26: what would you choose calisthenics or yoga

01:01:31: i knew do you cry

01:01:42: i'm not remember i'm actually a very emotional person so i do cry a lot but

01:01:46: i'm crying i might cry when i say the answer

01:01:49: because the other one is

01:01:55: yeah that's a tough question because when i practice yoga i'm also referring

01:02:01: a lot back to calisthenics and i i tied to calisthenics when i train

01:02:05: calisthenics i'm very i'm being very mindful of my breathing

01:02:08: and i am applying a yogic mindset what if i had to choose

01:02:17: dude that's an impossible question that's you you just put me at homework

01:02:23: to do i'm just gonna say one but useful put me

01:02:26: at homework to do uh i would say

01:02:33: i would say yoga i would give up yoga i would stay with calisthenics

01:02:39: why because if i stay with yoga which i mean

01:02:45: if i had to choose one of the feelings and one of the like what i would teach

01:02:49: for the rest of my life i probably would choose yoga but since i

01:02:52: don't have a pull-up bar and i wouldn't balance my body i don't i

01:02:55: need to hang i need to do pull-ups i need to do like some

01:02:58: sort of rowing which i cannot do i'm pointing there because i have the map

01:03:02: over there

01:03:06: so if i choose calisthenics then i can stretch

01:03:10: which i do at the end of my workout i can

01:03:13: throw a spirituality while i'm hanging in the pool bar close your eyes and

01:03:16: connect to your higher self and your all your chakras are aligned

01:03:20: and stuff but if i choose yoga then i cannot do

01:03:22: that so because of that reason i i'll choose calisthenics but i'll

01:03:27: definitely will keep doing both for the rest of my life yeah of course like for

01:03:30: you i already felt it for you they are

01:03:32: really connected i thought that you were longer in yoga

01:03:35: i thought that you started your journey with yoga i don't know why

01:03:38: but for me it felt like this but um yeah if you began both in a single

01:03:43: and like both together and i think that's what makes you as a person

01:03:47: this uh this combination uh this is the you take the benefits of both um and

01:03:52: yeah i really i really like it yes

01:04:08: you just get a conclusion about it okay nice

01:04:12: so yeah we're coming to an end and um yeah for the people who want to get

01:04:17: in touch with you who want to learn from you

01:04:19: um how can they best reach you and how can they best learn

01:04:23: from you how what should they know about about saturn

01:04:26: movement if you want to reach me privately

01:04:30: do not dm me please send me an email gabo at um

01:04:37: if you wanna train online with me you have my online academy

01:04:41: it's called sm academy of saturday moving academy you

01:04:45: can put it in the description if you like

01:04:47: uh instagram and youtube is at saturday movement or youtube saturday

01:04:52: movement and my personal ig is at gabo saturn

01:04:56: so everything was a tournament okay either saturn saturday movement or your

01:05:00: gabo saturn both of them and you'll find me anywhere

01:05:04: nice and yeah to make some like to to

01:05:08: present um the the saturn movement um for who is it like who should contact

01:05:14: you who should uh get your plans um for for who is it

01:05:19: anybody that truly wants to get into the very details

01:05:25: of their training without having to do the thinking of course

01:05:28: and want a complete full experience whether that is yoga unbalancing

01:05:33: or calisthenics or a person that wants to combine the three

01:05:37: because we have those three programs i'm currently working on the hybrid

01:05:42: called the ultimate hybrid system which i give you a calendar into how to

01:05:46: properly combine yoga with calisthenics with unbalancing

01:05:49: which is what i did so if you really want to incorporate those three into

01:05:53: your life definitely go for that now if you only

01:05:55: want to do yoga only calisthenics are only hand balancing

01:05:58: but you really want to get a detailed explanation for example hand balancing

01:06:03: i'm not i cannot tell everybody to open their

01:06:06: shoulders if your shoulders are open or you're weak and i cannot tell anybody

01:06:10: everybody to do push-ups uh when you need to work on your shoulder mobility

01:06:15: so i give you those options to work with your own limitations

01:06:18: and to get especially to your to your specific goals

01:06:22: with your own specific lactose if you only have one hour to train a day

01:06:25: i'll give you modifications for that if you have two hours then you have a

01:06:29: full routine if you want to become an elite calisthenics athlete

01:06:32: then you have the three-hour workout for you so somebody that like customizations

01:06:37: and like to adapt their things to their own level

01:06:40: nice sounds really scientific and like yes

01:06:43: really um yeah like that you can

01:06:47: people can profit from your experience um and i think uh

01:06:51: yeah that's really we will put all the links in the description for the people

01:06:55: who are interested and yeah i appreciate your time

01:06:59: that you took for the interview and before you can say

01:07:02: uh you're you can end the episode and say goodbye to the people

01:07:06: i want to say thank you to everyone listening to this till the end because

01:07:09: it's again over an hour uh but over an hour

01:07:13: with a lot of content with a lot of advices uh

01:07:17: and a lot of deep insights thank you for that um

01:07:20: gabo really i really appreciate it um and

01:07:24: yeah if you want to let this episode continue uh

01:07:28: leave a like leave us subscribe do whatever you want uh

01:07:31: if you have any questions further questions to gabo

01:07:34: uh like put put them in the description so maybe if there are like

01:07:38: another hundred or three uh whatever we can do a second episode

01:07:43: and yeah thanks everyone for listening and you can end the episode

01:07:47: well thanks for your time thanks for being here thank you so much for having

01:07:50: me brother true leonardo i love answering questions as you probably

01:07:53: can see i love connecting to new people uh you are an amazing dude you're a cool

01:07:58: dude i'll support your movement anytime you like any help that you want

01:08:03: me to help you with i'm fully open and also

01:08:07: to all the people that are listening here to help you don't have to sign up

01:08:10: for the academy you can use reach out for me for advice you can just follow my

01:08:14: journey if you like you can just focus on your journey and

01:08:17: the best advice i can give you stay positive stay present

01:08:20: stay mindful and enjoy the heck out of the process because that's

01:08:25: what truly matters thank you all for watching and maybe you will see in part

01:08:36: two

About this podcast

You want to become fit at home or on the road? You want to understand the mindset of a champion? You want to connect deeper with your favorite athletes?

This podcast is then for you! Listen to these interviews and they can bring you closer to your fitness goal. Phil from GORNATION is getting passionate athletes from all around the world in front of the microphone. You will learn to love and live the sport calisthenics and get to the next level!

Your Calisthenics and Street Workout Podcast provided by GORNATION.



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