Tayo talks about his life as a successful youtuber and how important it is to focus on specific goals.
Denton talks about how he is managing to hold strong statics like the full planche, while lifting heavy weights. This is the second part of the interview.
Denton talks about how he is managing to hold strong statics like the full planche, while lifting heavy weights. This interview will be split in two episodes.
Nikola is talking about how he combines Endurance and Streetlifting in one training schedule.
Jack talks about how he achieved the Full Planche and other skills, although he is 202cm tall and 103kg heavy.
Achim talks about structuring his workout schedule, his endurance benefits and why training legs can make your static skills harder.
Yordan Stanchev about his long workout journey and why hate keeps our sport small.
Ian Barseagle is talking about achieving his full planche in only 4months.
Douglas Ekermark about his career as a professional athlete and his advice from personal trainings about skills like planche and front lever.
The Polish beast Michał Urbanik about his world records, workouts and future record goals.