Calisthenics Insider Podcast

Calisthenics Insider Podcast

MICHA SCHULZ | Skills & Weighted Advice | Interview

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a coach and athlete, the King of Weighted and German champion Micha Schulz. We're talking about how to combine 202kg Backsquats, Front Lever and Full Planche, his hacks for long lasting progress and his calisthenics journey⁠. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

VIKTOR KAMENOV | His Planche Training & Advice | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #33

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a Calisthenics and Street Workout legend, the Planche God himself Viktor Kamenov. We're talking about his life, experience in calisthenics, especially planche and how he sees the development of the sport. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

AXEL WINO | Workout, Injuries & Being Influencer | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #32

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is the French TikToker, Athlete & Influencer Axel Wino. We're talking about being an Influencer, how 2020 changed his life and what his advice from his workout experience in competitive Calisthenics is. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

MIKE "THE SAIYAN" SMART | Nutrition, Injuries & Advice | Interview

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Your Shop for calisthenics gear:
Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a living super saiyan, the impressive athlete Mike Smart. We're talking about his Calisthenics Journey, his friendship with Daniels Laizans, Anime, Injuries, Steroids and his habits for a shredded body. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

MAX TRUE | About Records, Steroids and Workout | Interview

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Welcome to the 30th episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a Guiness Record Holder in Muscle Ups, the strong athlete Maksim Trukhonovets also known as Max True. We're talking about his training habits, how he set the world records and how he came in touch with Calisthenics. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Training Habits of the Champ | EMANUELE MAJELI

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is known for his clean one arm frontlever, the National Champion from Italy Emanuele Majeli. We're talking about his training habits, how he became Italian Champion and his story. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

The Secrets of Planche | ERIK BARSI

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a professional Calisthenics athlete, coach and trainer, the Italian man with crazy strong fingers Erik Barsi. We're talking about genetics vs hard work, how he achieved the two finger planche and his workout advices. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

The Planche Journey | JULIAN PAGEL

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is an international athlete, the Swiss National Calisthenics Champion Julian Pagel. We're talking about his tips to achieve the planche, how he became the champion and how to handle injuries. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

His special talent, mindset and advice | TOM ROSENBERG

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a Freestyle Athlete from Israel, the national Champion from 2018, Tom Rosenberg. We're talking about why the mindset is so important, how to start with Calisthenics and of course about his story, tips and hacks. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

His Training & Nutrition | VALENTIN "OTZ" BLANC

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a member of the Outsiderz, the french planche beast Valentin Blanc. We're talking about his training and routines, why his nutrition includes so much Energy Drink and how he motivates himself. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

About this podcast

You want to become fit at home or on the road? You want to understand the mindset of a champion? You want to connect deeper with your favorite athletes?

This podcast is then for you! Listen to these interviews and they can bring you closer to your fitness goal. Phil from GORNATION is getting passionate athletes from all around the world in front of the microphone. You will learn to love and live the sport calisthenics and get to the next level!

Your Calisthenics and Street Workout Podcast provided by GORNATION.



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