Calisthenics Insider Podcast

Calisthenics Insider Podcast

No fear during Freestyle | THANH NGUYEN

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a professional Freestyle Athlete and Judge from Germany, the Co-Founder of Flythenics Thanh Nguyen aka Latwist. We're talking about his story, how to increase your Instagram follower and how to overcome the fear when training e.g. for the frontflip regrab. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

What you didn't know about him | JAY CHRIS

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is an athlete and judge straight out of London, the two time WCO World FW Champ Jay Chris aka Smallspartan at Barsparta. We're talking about how to take a shortcut in your goals, the relationship between english tea & abs and his story and way of training. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Drugs, THENX, Training & Nutrition | GABO SATURNO

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a calisthenics trainer and former member of THENX, the founder of Saturno Movement Gabriele "Gabo" Saturno. We're talking about advices to progress faster, his training and nutrition and how drugs influenced his life. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Learn explosive freestyle | VLADIMIR TYUKHANOV

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is an athlete, trainer and show organizer, the Russian freestyler Vladimir Tyukhanov aka Vladimir Freestylebar. We're talking about his training, how to improve your explosiveness and how to overcome the fear of dynamic moves. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

The Smart Record Breaker | PERE COLL FERNANDEZ

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a record setter, the Spanish Streetlifter Pere Coll Fernandez. We're talking about how to make the most out of your 24 hours, his training split and what it takes to reach high goals. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a thumbs up if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

How to become 2x World Champion | MELANIE DRIESSEN

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is an athlete who is in the game for a long time, the two times World Champion and four times National champion from the Netherlands Melanie Driessen. We're talking about her tips for competitions, the development of Calisthenics and her story. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

The Champion's Journey | DEJAN STIPKE STIPIĆ

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a person with insane performances and an incredible physique, the Serbian workout legend Dejan Stipke Stipić. We're talking about his story, his workout secrets and nutrition advices. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a thumbs up if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

My CrossFit and Calisthenics Journey | VADYM OLEYNIK

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is the strongest Calisthenics Athlete of the world, coach, judge and athlete from the Ukraine Vadym Oleynik. We're talking about his relationship to steroids, his time in the hospital because of overtraining and if he will quit doing CrossFit. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Your nutrition makes you fail | TONY GASTE

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is someone who surprised the whole Calisthenics & Street Workout scene, the WCO featherweight world champion 2019 and national champion from Mexico Antonio Gastelum also known as Tony Gaste. We're talking about his training, why he thinks that nutrition is the key to success and how he bet Eryc Ortiz. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Calisthenics is our life | NATALIA & MIHAIL KITAEV

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guests are a Street Workout Couple from Russia, Natalia and Mihail Kitaev. We're talking about how their day looks like, Natalia's nutrition and tips for Calisthenics athletes. This is a special episode because Natalia speaks only Russian, so her answers are translated by her husband. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

About this podcast

You want to become fit at home or on the road? You want to understand the mindset of a champion? You want to connect deeper with your favorite athletes?

This podcast is then for you! Listen to these interviews and they can bring you closer to your fitness goal. Phil from GORNATION is getting passionate athletes from all around the world in front of the microphone. You will learn to love and live the sport calisthenics and get to the next level!

Your Calisthenics and Street Workout Podcast provided by GORNATION.



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