Calisthenics Insider Podcast

Calisthenics Insider Podcast

The unstoppable mindset | JORDAN BIOCO

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is in the Calisthenics scene for over 10 years, the Spanish Athlete and Event Organizer of SWUB @ Jordan Bioco. We're talking about his mindset, how he trains and the future of Calisthenics. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Jordan's book recommendation: "La sorprendente verdad sobre qué nos motiva" or "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Pink Daniel H.

How to start and improve in Calisthenics | IRIS WEISSENBÖCK

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a former employee and friend of GORNATION, the female Calisthenics athlete and Co-Organizer of World of Barheroes Iris Weissenböck. We're talking about how to start with Calisthenics, how to prevent injuries and her work at World of Barheroes. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

The Motivational Story of the Calisthenics Legend | ADAM RAW

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is no other than the Calisthenics legend Adam Raw. We're talking about his training advices, the rise of Calisthenics in Europe and how to keep the motivation for your workout. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

How Calisthenics saved my life | PAULS JEMELJANOVS

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a freestyle athlete from Latvia, the beast Pauls Jemeļjanovs. We're talking about how to start with dynamics, what it needs to become a world champion and how Calisthenics saved his life. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Special reps and form that produce progress | RUSLAN SAIBOV

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Today's guest is a Calisthenics Coach and Athlete with over 10 years of experience, the "Iron Wrist" endurance master Saibov Ruslan. We're talking about how to build muscles with Calisthenics only, how to progress faster and the difference between endurance and weighted Calisthenics. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Meet the World Champion 2018 | SAN YOHAN

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a very well known Freestyler, the France athlete and World Champion from 2018 San Yohan. We're talking about his story, statics and dynamics and his training habits. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

How to do 195kg Dips and 125kg Pull Ups | MATHEW ZLAT

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is the streetlifter and world record setter Matvey Zlatoverkhovnikov, also known as Mathew Zlat from Russia. We're talking why building muscles isn't the same as gaining strength, how he trains and what he thinks about bodybuilding. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Why size and weight (don't) matter | GIANPIERO FUSCO

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is the heavyweight Calisthenics athlete and YouTuber from Venezuela Gianpiero Fusco. We're talking about how to gain mass, why weight is (not) an excuse for freestyle training and how he got into Calisthenics. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

Boost your workout through mobility | MOVING MONKEY

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Today's guest is a strong and flexible Gorilla, the author, physiotherapist and influencer Leon Staege aka Moving Monkey. We're talking about why mobility is important, how to train pain free and how to make more progress. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it!

From Alcohol Abuse to winning the Nationals | SLIDIS

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Welcome to this episode of our Interview series where I take the most successful and known calisthenics and street workout athletes from all around the world and ask them about their mindset, workout advice and their story. Todays guest is very well known in the Calisthenics Scene for his viral videos about doing a Frontlever while balancing on rings. Welcome the strong and creative athlete from Greece Slidis. We're talking about his training habits and he also gives us insides into his past and his story. Enjoy this episode and feel free to support this series with a review if you liked it! #calisthenics #interview #athleteinsider

About this podcast

You want to become fit at home or on the road? You want to understand the mindset of a champion? You want to connect deeper with your favorite athletes?

This podcast is then for you! Listen to these interviews and they can bring you closer to your fitness goal. Phil from GORNATION is getting passionate athletes from all around the world in front of the microphone. You will learn to love and live the sport calisthenics and get to the next level!

Your Calisthenics and Street Workout Podcast provided by GORNATION.



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