Daniel Hristov is talking about potential future rivals, the reason for his current break, and why he's far from tapping into his full potential.
Viktor Kamenov is talking about the lessons he took from his serious injury
Adam has managed to transfer the successful training methods from Gymanstics to Calisthenics and is now showcasing these methods on his Youtube channel.
Yaad got more than 11 years of calisthenics experience. He became a medical student to learn more about his obsession and has acquired valuable knowledge that you have probably never heard of be...
Badredinne is an official member of the famous BarBrothers. During his 8+ years of training experience he was able to build up a lot of knowledge to share with the world. Lots of valuable inform...
Simon shocked everybody at the FIBO 2022 with his crazy performance. Size doesn't limit this guy in his insane freestyle performances. He is still very young and has big potential to become one ...
Hampton from Hybrid Calisthenics is known for his beginner-friendly videos on YouTube and Instagram. With videos like "How to progress in pull ups" or "heal soreness faster" he is helping millio...
Misskyrie is known for her crazy skills like Muscle Ups, Human Flags, Finger Push Ups and much more. Even if it took her 6 years to unlock her first Muscle Up, she is showing the world that noth...
3x Swedish National Champion & Nordic Champion Malin is talking about her structured training and life as an Influencer.
Max True is 2x Muscle Ups Guinness World Record Holder. In this speical episode, we talk about his latest world record and how he prepared for it. His latest record: Most Ring Muscle Ups in 1 ho...